Chap. 2 - Mayhem

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Months ebbed and flowed as Setsuna happily integrated into the life as a Japanese middle schooler and maid, everyday she went to school with Tsuna and then back to his house and on weekends went over to his house to help out or hang out. Almost every weekend she would either help around his home with his mom or they would have plans with all of their friends, she never had a dull moment when it came to Tsunayoshi. "It's so great to have you here all the time Setsuna-chan! I'm happy to have you and Bianchi help me with all of the kids." Nana said gleefully while she hung up laundry outside with Setsuna, "Oh any time Nana-san, I love being here." Setsuna did a lot of housework, laundry, cooking, cleaning and chores even if Tsuna got embarrassed by her being around constantly. "My Tsu-kun really likes having you around too! I just can't wait for you two to have my grandchildren!" Nana had a big grin on her face as Setsuna blushed at her words, her and the Boss having kids? Even Reborn was aware that Tsuna now had a big crush on the girl after weeks and months of having her in school with him and at his home everyday, it made sense he surmised and he hoped Nana was right and that the two got together. Reborn and Nono had surmised this to be best since they would get the 11th heir to Vongola and another Rainbow guardian of the two wed and had children, that would be more beneficial to the Vongola family than any other union. "Do you think Setsuna would be a good wife?" Takeshi asked suddenly, him, Tsuna, Gokudera and Ryohei were sat in Tsuna's room that Saturday as Setsuna was outside with Nana and busy preparing lunch with her as the four talked. "Oh hell yeah, her cooking is great even her Italian cooking is excellent. I bet she makes good sweets too." Gokudera piped up, he was very aware that she was head maid for Vongola and even he agreed with Reborn that she was a great marriage candidate for Tsuna. Despite liking her of course Gokudera found that Setsuna would make a good wife for the man she decided to marry, "Hey I mean if that bad tempered Hibari likes her I'm sure she'd be a great wife to anyone." Ryohei added and the fierce blush on Tsuna's face went unnoticed by the boys, they all often talked about Setsuna and how much they'd all liked her beyond the friend capacity. At school it was a known fact that all the guys had crushes on Setsuna and it often irritated Hibari, "Why are you always with those herbivores anyway?" Hibari laid on the roof, Setsuna sat right beside him since it was break and everyday during break she had found Hibari up there and kept him company. "They're my friends and he's my Boss, Hibari. I like them anyway though, how come you care about us herbivores? I thought we were below you, your highness." Setsuna made a mock bow with her skirt as she stood and he moved so fast she nearly jumped when he grabbed a hold of her wrist. "You aren't like them. Out of all the herbivores, you annoy me less." Hibari stared up into her golden eyes from his spot on the ground and she sat back down beside the boy. Immediately he rested his head on her lap, not budging an inch even when she put one of her hands on top of his head and ran her soft fingers through the mop of black hair on top of his head, it seemed to be a consistent thing he did when they were alone on the roof. "Have I upgraded my status to omnivore?" Smiling at the boy who only made a 'hn' noise as his own response, often times she noted that Hibari would go nonverbal with her but it was merely because he didn't mind just basking in silence with her presence near. Setsuna served as the maternal figure for most people in her life and it extended to Hibari whom she learned had no parents or family, she attributed his lack of care for others to this yet he only had a group of delinquents loyal to him as family which did sadden her greatly. "Hibari." Calling his name he merely opened one gray cobalt blue eye to peer up at the visage of Setsuna, "Kyoya. Call me by my name." That solidified the friendship she deemed to have with Hibari Kyoya but it'd become apparent he viewed her as far more than a friend now, her obliviousness served to irritate Kyoya. "Oi, you spend too much time on the roof I swear." Gokudera chastised Setsuna, the group of himself, Tsuna, Takeshi, Ryohei all sitting in the courtyard which they did for lunch each day now. "Hibari finally has a friend right that's a good thing!" Takeshi elbowed the girl which caused her to erupt into a fit of laughter, "You're stronger than most people for that you know, Setsuna-chan." Tsuna stated, it was in itself a feat to be able to be around Hibari and not get bitten to death or beat into a pulp for crowding around him. "He's the strongest non Mafia combatant I have ever met, truly. Reborn you know we should have him do training." The woman stated, Reborn and herself had chats biweekly to discuss the happenings of all the boys and soon Dino would come to visit to help with Tsuna and tame Hibari slightly. "Dino will arrive and train that kid, he's a real handful ah marone. Che succede huh cara mia?" A terse look crossed the beautiful face of Setsuna's, peering into the cup of tea as she looked back up to meet the gaze of Reborn. "Fine, I guess? Got a bad feeling, my intuition is telling me that something is about to happen." This thought of course was dismissed since only the ones with sky Arcobaleno flames had foresight however the girl had been correct since students from their school began getting attacked. At first it was the group of students from Kyoya's own disciplinary committee and losing a number of teeth, on the way to school with Reborn and Tsuna they ran into Hibari who told them that Ryohei got attacked and put in the hospital. In the visit they took to see Ryohei he asked them to not tell his sister Kyoko and all agreed not to do so but Hibari had decided to handle the issue by going to fight the students from the school that attacked the Namimori students. Kokuyo Middle was a neighboring school with a lot of delinquents attending it so Hibari took it upon himself to take care of it, Setsuna also deciding to tag along against Reborns orders, telling him she had to handle this for the sake of Tsuna and Ryohei. "I told you not to follow me, omnivore." Hibari called out as the female beside him knocked out another kid in the ugly Kokuyo school uniform, "Well Fuuta, one of the assets of the mafia is missing and these fucks were involved I bet. This is part of my job due to one of my famiglia being attacked." Setsuna explained curtly as Hibari sighed, disliking thr having to keep an eye on her in combat since he had strange feelings swirling around inside of him towards the girl. They continued on in the grounds of the abandoned building that served as a base for the gang members, they all wore the same uniforms and as the two got further and further inside the building, Setsuna got a horrible feeling. "Keep up, what the hell are you doing?" Hibari barked out as the girl felt a chill run down her spine and spun, trying to find whoever was watching herself and the black haired boy. "Someone is watching. This wasn't a good idea, I don't think you should be here with me." Setsuna stated as she reached down to the holster on her thigh, taking out a knife while Hibari scowled, continuing further into the building until they entered a room with one man standing inside of it. "You're the ring leader wao, just a herbivore waiting to get bit to death." Hibari readied his tonfas whilst the woman beside him held her knife at her side, the feeling she got from the boy with one red eye and one blue eye was complete bloodlust. "I believe you're confused, I'm the new order in town. Who's your friend?" The man's voice had the tone of sickly smooth velvety poison, once more the feeling of dread and fear entered the girl but she simply put an arm in front of Hibari. "Kyoya, I think you need to leave. Get out of here while I handle this there's something very wrong with this boy." Setsuna stated as they'd gave each a look, Mukuro's stare felt invasive but he refused to take his eyes off of her while Hibari suddenly began to collapse. "What did you- Hibari! What did you do to him!?" She'd shouted at Mukuro while Hibari fell and hit the floor harshly, she stood in front of his form as Mukuro let out his signature laugh. "Shamal's mosquito gave him Sakura-kura disease. As you can see I prepared for you two with these sakura flowers, do you like them?" Murkuro's voice felt familiar for some reason but she was more concerned how he knew the mafia's own doctor Shamal was at the school and knew of his abilities. "You're the child that killed off the Estraneo Famiglia, Rokudo Mukuro. How come Vindice hasn't got you yet kid? That's a pretty heinous crime against the Mafia." Gold met two twon red and blue as Mukuro's face took a far more solemn look before a sneer covered his lips. "Those flames, Rainbow of Vongola? That's cute. You waltzed into my turf without thinking and now you'll be stuck. If I have the precious Rainbow flame user hostage then Vindice can't do a thing." Immediately he soon closed the gap between them, a strong hand wrenching the knife from her hand as she'd hit him with her flames in the other fist across the face. "You're insane boy! They'll put you all in Vindicare so fast your head will spin after I report this!" Setsuna shouted as Hibari had to watch the fight, she put up a good one but it was no match for the illusionist who stabbed her with his trident in the side. Using her dying will flames she tried to burn down the building and by extension Mukuro only for his hand to enter the wound, "That must hurt an awful lot I bet. You're fun, I think I'll keep you for myself. The mafia doesn't deserve to have you all to themselves y'know, Setsuna-chan." Mukuro had known of the infamous Souvestre girl that became the Rainbow guardian for Vongola as a child and was now Vongola Decimo's and in Japan. At first he was excited to kill her or at the very least use her as a hostage against the mafia world, Vindice couldn't cause the death or harm of a Rainbow guardian by law since if they died it would take years for a new one to be reborn. However after watching her fight and seeing how she actually harmed him quite badly, he had to inflict enough damage upon her physically and psychologically so he could break her down, eventually she would be his but Hibari and her had to be dealt with for now. "My plan was to kill you but now I think you'll be my pet. The Vongola and Vindice would just about die from the shock! Fufufu...what do you think of that my dear?" Mukuro held her up by the hair while Hibari watched on in pure rage, he would be indebted to her now for sacrificing herself in exchange for Hibari to not die by his hand. "You fucking fanook, they'll come find me and kill you! Vaffanculo!" She screamed as the trident pierced her abdomen, blood was covering her form and the uniform she wore now had rips and blood all over it. Mukuro's glee was apparent as he completely and fully humiliated her in front of Hibari, they would now be hostages held by Mukuro until Tsuna and the gang found them, her dismay further grew when she saw Fuuta in the corner. "Why is him go! He's just a child!" She let out a cry as Mukuro threw her back down to the ground by her hair, her attempts to crawl over to Fuuta were null since Mukuro decided to pick her up. "Silly girl, he's useful but not as useful as you are to me. I believe it's time for you to rest." Golden eyes slowly but surely had begun to flutter closed, Mukuro sat on his seat once more with Setsuna on his lap passed out and covered in blood while Hibari was forced to watch the sight. Now with both Setsuna and Hibari missing, Reborn truly began to worry as Gokudera got attacked and Tsuna was being targeted now directly, Vongola Nono ordered for Tsuna to capture the Kokuyo students and rescue Fuuta and Setsuna from them as well as make sure Vindice arrested the three. This led to Tsuna, Gokudera, Takeshi, Bianchi, Ipin and Reborn to go invade Kokuyo land to find and rescue Hibari, Setsuna and Fuuta and do their task, all had to fight a member of the gang as they made their way inside the base. After fighting their way through they were met with a possessed Futa who attacked them, he stabbed Bianchi with Mukuro's trident and he then attacked Tsuna, meanwhile Gokudera who was fighting off Ken fell down a flight of stairs and found Hibari with a bird singing the anthem of the school, the two teamed up after he broke him out with dynamite. "Where is she, Setsuna. We need to find her." Gokudera had a arm over Hibari's shoulders keeping him up as they walked, "That bastard has her upstairs, she's injured worse than I am." Hibari stated, remembering how indebted he was to her now and Gokudera who he promptly paid back so he'd only have Setsuna to have debt to. As the group tried to help free Fuuta they were met by Mukuro who sat with a knocked out Setsuna, she was covered in blood with visible wounds and torn up clothes, clearly in bad shape as Tsuna fought Mukuro to no avail. Mukuro had to block Hibari's tonfa that was thrown at him while Gokudera used his dynamite, Hibari then threw Gokudera to the ground and challenged Mukuro once again. "If you win, you can have the Rainbow flame user but if I win I keep her. Is that agreeable for you all?" Mukuro asked as Hibari clashed with him again, "I'm biting you to death." Hibari replied as they traded blows and eventually knocked out Mukuro into unconsciousness as his illusions no longer worked since Hibari was cured of Sakura-kura disease. Mukuro awoke and shot himself in the head but he was not dead, he went on a vile possession spree using everyone he attacked with his trident as possessed subjects, while he and Tsuna fought eventually Setsuna woke up from her induced slumber. Hibari slowly but surely managed to make his way over to her and tossed his jacket over her shoulders while Reborn shot Tsuna and his gloves turned into X gloves, the dying will flame on his head had grown large and he entered Hyper dying will move to fight Mukuro. "He did it...he's going to be Vongola Decimo..." Setsuna nearly fainted at the sight and Hibari caught her, the rest of their friends were passed out yet Setsuna had been able to watch the fight with Hibari. They got to see Mukuro's defeat at Tsuna's hands while the medical team arrived, Mukuro would be arrested and his two friends as the Vindice arrived, Setsuna immediately got up despite her wounds. "Don't get in their way Tsuna, it's Vindice. Stand down." Setsuna hobbled over to the three men dressed in black who nodded to her, "What's going to happen to them?" Tsuna asked and stared as she watched as Mukuro, Ken and Chikusa were all enveloped in chains and dragged of and the doctors tended to everyone. She refused them to Tsuna's dismay as he watched her make sure everyone got treated before her, even Hibari who watched them take the weary Setsuna to the hospital for a while, being visited by Tsuna often and the others but Hibari stayed with her always. After her stay at the hospital she returned to school and regular duties, meeting Reborn or Dino and his men, hanging out with Tsuna and the boys and training them, things went back to a state of normalcy yet Kyoya and her had a mildly strained relationship. "Setsuna, nice to see you up and about I only saw you at the hospital. The old man would have had my head if I didn't go and see you." Dino spoke as he and Setsuna had stood outside of Tsuna's house talking happily while his men stood idly by whom she greeted with glee. "I heard you were my visitor with Hibari when I was still out, you've grown up. How is your famiglia?" Even though Dino was older by two years he had come a long way in growth since he'd become the Cavallone's 10th generation boss, now he trained Hibari since his defeat by Mukuro. "Great, yours seems so lively. Tsuna is a good kid just like I was when I started, he really likes you." Dino smiled and he hugged the shorter woman tightly, it made a lot of sense that he liked her as much as the other boys since she had always been a mafia celebrity just for her strength and beauty. "Dino, it isn't gentlemanly to show your depravity out so openly." Reborn hit the man upside the head as he let go of her and whined, holding onto his now reddened cheek while the woman had a small grin on her face. "It's more than alright Reborn. Hibari likes you and his attitude has been a lot better so thank you, we'll all have a meeting soon." Immediately the blonde man agreed and she saw him off, Reborn crossing his arms whilst she held him gently and entered the still lively house. The two had sort of a telepathic form of communication together and as Setsuna tried to recover from her defeat, a new set of events would be put into motion that neither herself, Reborn, Vongola Nono and all of their famiglia were fairly unprepared for.

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