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Chapter 1

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WARNING: This story contains depictions of violence, torture, and sexual harassment. Reader discretion is advised.

"Rowan!" my mother screams breathlessly, making me jump. My heart leaps into my throat and I jump out of my childhood bed as I hear her heavy thumps as she runs up the stairs. I run over to my door, ripping it open in a shaky panic.

"What is it, what's wrong? Is Dad okay?"

"What? Yes, I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be okay?" my father asks, popping out from behind my mother with a giant grin on his face.

"Oh," I reply, frowning. Before I can get another word in, my mother shoves an envelope into my hands.

The breath leaves my body and I feel the colour drain from my face. My mouth drops open and I try and say something, but nothing comes out but a breathless wheeze.

I turn the envelope around with shaking hands, my eyes immediately finding the wax seal. For a few moments, I stare at it as a loud ringing fills my ears.

It's definitely from them. Pressed into the dark red wax are the letters RMA. The font is elegant, and it sits beneath a crown. I run my trembling fingers over it.

This is the letter. For one long month, I have been waiting for this to arrive. I thought that when it finally did, I would tear it open in a mad rush. Yet, now it is here, I am terrified of what could be waiting for me inside. One way or another, the contents of this letter will change my life.

"Aren't you going to open it?" Mother asks, making me jump again.

"I can't," I say, shoving it back at her. "You do it."

Before she can argue, I turn around and take a seat on my bed, burying my spinning head between my knees. My stomach churns and my heart races.

"No, Rowan, you have to open it," Mother says, and I feel the bed sinking as she sits down.

I shake my head, my eyes stinging with tears.

"But what if..." I trail off, not even wanting to think about it. Mother laughs softly and reaches for me. She lifts my head so I can stare into her bright blue eyes.

"What if what, Rowan?" she asks, sarcastically. "We both know these are going to be excellent results."

I bite at my lips and shake my head. "You open it."

"Rowan," she sighs, "you should be the first one to see them. You worked so hard; you need to know first."

"Please, Mum, just open it," I practically beg, my eyes stinging with tears.

"Oh, Row Row," Father says and he comes and sits on my other side. I sink into him, burying my head in his chest as he hugs me tightly and kisses the top of my head. "Go on, Catherine."

"Okay," Mother says, somewhat pensively.

I shut my eyes as I hear her ripping at the paper and sliding the letter out of the envelope. Mother clears her throat and I tense my body, ready to hear the worst.

You've failed. You've only got a pass.

"Dear Miss Rowan Catherine Elliot," Mother begins, and I flinch. My heart races so much from fear, that I feel horribly sticky and weak.

"We are writing to inform you of the result you have achieved from your studies at The Royal Military Academy of Athaine."

Mother starts to speed up, and I can hear the smile in her voice.

"It is with great honour that we inform you that you will be graduating with a HIGH DISTINCTION OF EXCELLENCE!"

My body crumples and I can't stop the heavy sob that leaves my mouth upon hearing those words. I curl myself into a tight ball, sobbing as my mother and father hold me close.

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