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Chapter 52

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Marcus appears at lunchtime, just before I'm about to take my break. He walks into the office confidently, ignoring the strange hush that takes over. I almost laugh. Surely everyone must be used to him coming in by now.

He walks over to my desk and I can't help but smile. My heart flutters when he smiles back.

"How can I help you, Mr Kaiser?" I ask him.

"First," he begins, "you can join me for lunch. Then, we can spend the rest of the afternoon working on you know what."

"That can be arranged," I reply and stand up.

"I'll give you a few moments to get your things ready. I need to chat with Zoe," he says.

"Okay," I reply and start shutting down my computer and packing my bag. From the other side of the room, Serena glares at me. I ignore her as best I can. Her threat springs to mind and I shudder. I wasn't worried about her before. But now, I get an uncomfortable feeling when I think about her. It makes me bristle wearily. It's like I'm just waiting for the next attack.

The door to Zoe's office opens and Marcus walks out. I can't help but admire the way his dark grey suit fits him. Everything about him is just gorgeous perfection.

Stop it, Rowan.

I scold myself and try not to flush as he approaches.

"Ready?" he asks.

"Yes," I reply and pick up my bag.

I ignore all the looks as the two of us leave. Once the door shuts behind us, I let out a shallow breath.

"Something wrong?" Marcus asks.

"It's always so intense when you're around," I reply, half joking. He chuckles and nods his head.

"Reputations are a funny thing," he says.

"Yes, I suppose they are," I reply and for a second, I think back to my family. I should be used to this. Going anywhere with my mother would have a room going still and silent. Even I sometimes had that effect on people. I can still remember the thick tension every time my mother and I were spotted out together. It didn't matter where we were, be it a pub, or just walking down the street. People would stop, and avoid looking at us. The tension would be so thick with fear that it was almost suffocating.

My heart aches as I think of my mother. I wish she could be here now to guide me, to tell me what to do. Of course, if she knew I was thinking this way she would tell me off.

I taught you well, Rowan. I made you into a formidable woman. Make me proud but even more importantly, make yourself proud. There is no better feeling than knowing that you are the most powerful person in the room; that you are the one who controls everything. You are a Redbird woman. Power and strength are in your blood.

I smile to myself as Mother's words ring through my mind. Out of the corner of my eye, I look at Marcus. For a second, I feel a little guilty knowing that I am tricking him. I know my deceit will only grow more cruel too as I manipulate my way closer to him – using his own loneliness from his reputation against him. That guilt, which had formed a little niggling twist in my stomach, disappears as I remember the videos of the bombs.

The realisation that Marcus is one of the biggest players in trying to get these bombs into my realm to destroy it has that guilt disappearing in a flash. It is replaced by searing hot anger.

That trip back to my realm did more good than I could have imagined. I almost forgot why I was doing all of this. No more. My goal is clear in my mind and if Marcus is my collateral in achieving it, then so be it.

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