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Chapter 74

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"Yes, dancing?"

Athan chuckles and leans back in his chair, shaking his head.

"Athan," Kiora says, smiling softly, "I have travelled to countless realms and seen the best parts of countless cultures. Allow me to teach the concubines some of the dances."

"What's your game here, Kiora?" he asks, narrowing his eyes.

Kiora laughs and rolls her eyes. "There is no game here," she says, the lie coming out effortlessly. "I simply want a purpose in this place that isn't gossiping with the other wives. I've told you this countless times." She tries not to let her frustration leak into her voice as she says the last part. How many times does she have to tell Athan of how bored all of the wives are? How many times does she have to explain that having nothing to do but wander around gardens and gossip about the nobles leads to more drama, fighting, and competition between them? Teaching the concubines some dances gives her a goal to work toward and a challenge to think about.

It would also give her an excuse to stay away from the other wives, Illyria in particular.

The main reason for her interest in teaching is so she can get closer to the concubines. Not in a friendly way. She still wants to be the ethereal, mysterious wife. But she doesn't want to be cold like Illyria. She doesn't want the concubines to look at her with fear, or make them feel as if they are below her as Illyria does.

As the head wife, so to speak, Illyria is their superior. However, that role comes with responsibilities that Illyria does not fill. The concubines should be able to come to her if they have a problem or need advice. Instead, they look at Illyria with fear.

If Kiora can get on their good side now and show them what it's like to have someone in this palace who will look out for them and try and protect them, then hopefully Athan will see it too. No, more than that. Hopefully, the whole palace will see it.

Kiora doesn't need to be the favourite in title, though it would be nice. What she will do, however, is become the favourite in spirit.

It will take a long time, but one day, everyone in not only this palace but this empire will look upon Kiora as the perfect wife, the perfect empress.

"What is going on in that head of yours?" Athan asks, ignoring her previous question, which doesn't surprise her. Athan likes to pretend that the problems in his harem either don't exist or are beneath him.

"You are wasting my potential, Athan," she tells him. "You have a woman right before you understands the world. Think of the things I can teach, not only to the concubines, but to you, or your generals, or your scholars."

He lets out a long sigh.

"Kiora," he begins.

"I know, it isn't a woman's place to educate a man," she snaps, "which is why all I am asking for is to teach your concubines how to dance. What is more womanly than dancing? Even Alethia wouldn't be able to argue against that?"

"True," he agrees and then stands, walking over to her. "I understand your frustration, Kiora, I really do." He pauses and rests a hand gently on her shoulder. "But you have a role here as my wife."

Kiora bites the inside of her cheek and lets him continue. "Your place is to be the woman this empire needs you to be. Beautiful, radiant, kind, and obedient. Going around telling my generals how to do their jobs or educating the men who have spent their whole lives reading isn't going to get people to like you. They will resent your intelligence."

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