Second Chances

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This one shot takes place the day after the All Valley Tournament in season 4. This one shot does include a scene at Hawk and Moon's spot again (their log at the canyon) I didn't mean to do that for 2 one shots back to back because I don't like to be repetitive but it just happened. I hope you enjoy it :-)


-Eli's Pov-

"I don't understand why you're so nervous, man. It's just a date playing board games. Besides, you've been on plenty of dates with Moon before. What makes this time any different?" Demetri asked as he played Dungeon Lord on his laptop on my bed.

"Because this is my last chance with her, Dem." I told him as I turned away from my closet to look at him, feeling the panic rise up in me. "If I screw this up then that's it. I don't get a third chance with her. I'm lucky that she's giving me a second chance. I mean, what if she doesn't like me When we dated last time, I was this whole other person." I told him as I turned back around to look through my closet for a shirt to wear.

What do you even wear on a double date where you play board games at your girlfriend's house? Well, technically, she wasn't even my girlfriend. Yesterday she kissed me at the tournament right before my match with Kyler and then after the tournament, she kissed me again, congratulating me on my win. And then we texted for hours last night, talking about everything and anything. And now we were about to have a date night at her house with Demetri and Yasmine. I didn't even know what we were.

But we definitely weren't dating.

Part of me wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend tonight but another part of me was scared to move things too quickly because maybe she wanted to take things slow this time.

I mean, I can't blame her if she wanted to take things slow considering I had been a complete psycho last year.

But what if she wanted me to ask her tonight?

What if-

"Eli, she's literally seen you at your worst. I don't think you're going to have a problem with her liking you as well, you. Besides, she knew you were Eli before you flipped the script and became Hawk, right? She didn't have a problem with it then and she doesn't have a problem with it now or she wouldn't have planned this whole double date night thing. And obviously she's still into you and cares about you. She showed up at the tournament for you and kissed you, didn't she?" He told me as he looked up from his game. "She even told me that she thought it was cute that we were into all of this nerd stuff."


She thought it was cute that I was into all of this nerd stuff?

"Really?" I asked, feeling a smile tug at the corner of my lips as I pulled a blue Star Wars shirt over my head.

"Yeah, for some reason the two hottest girls in school dig our nerdiness. Who knew?" Demetri told me with a smile.


"Mmmm, I missed you." Yasmine said as she yanked Demetri into the house and pulled him into a very passionate kiss as I walked into Moon's house.

Jeez...these two seriously couldn't control themselves...

"And I missed you too, my lady." Demetri told her as they broke away from the kiss and he took her hand in his and placed a kiss on it.

I still didn't understand how this even happened. Never in a million years did I think my Binary Brother would end up with the girl of his dreams, but here he was, killing it. And he didn't have to change himself one bit. He was one hundred percent Demetri the whole time.

And she loved it.

"Hey there, Champ." Moon said with a smile that could light up the night sky as she walked up to me.

Hawk and Moon One Shots 《Cobra Kai》Where stories live. Discover now