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This one shot was requested by Crossover_King on A03. This was one of the harder Hawk Moon shots to write. Even though it was fun to write I did struggle with it a little, so I hope it came out okay. There are also two songs in this one shot, so feel free to listen to them while reading this fic. Perfect by Ed Sheeran and No One by Aly and Aj :-) Also, like the rest of my Hawk Moon one shots, this will be in Eli's pov



What a complete waste of time.

If it wasn't for Demetri dragging me here, then I would be in the comfort of my own home eating an entire pepperoni pizza and having a Dr. Who marathon right now.

That would have been a million times better.

Honestly, having to write a twenty page paper over property management laws would have been better.

But instead, I was here at prom, drinking something that tastes like plastic and Sprite, wearing some scratchy tux that felt almost one size too small.

To top it off, I had a buzzcut that made my scar stick out more than ever.

I looked like and felt like a complete freak.

Not to mention I was here without a date.

Talk about bringing a whole new definition to the word 'loser' when you're a junior in high school and you still haven't had a date to a school dance.

"Dude, this sucks. Prom without a date is like Halloween without candy. There's no point." I scoffed as I averted my gaze away from the sea of students, doing my best to avoid a certain someone.

"I mean, at least we're not the only ones in for a boring night. I heard Logan Wang's after party got canceled because his little brother got in some middle school fight." Demetri told me with a shrug of his shoulders.

"That supposed to make us feel better? Since everyone else's night is ruined?" I asked him in a deadpan voice.

"Yeah. It's literally the definition of misery loves company."

If he was trying to make me feel better he was failing miserably.

But at least I wasn't the only one without a date. Demetri didn't have one either, which made it slightly better. But unlike me, he had a girlfriend. She just wasn't here because-


I looked up at the sing-song voice, unsure if I was hearing things or not because the voice sounded a lot like Yasmine but it couldn't have been-


What was she doing here?

Wasn't she supposed to be in Australia or something for her dad's wedding?

"Oh my...Jessica Rabbit...w-what are you doing here?" Demetri stuttered out as he took in the sight of Yasmine.

I wasn't going to lie, she did look beautiful. Everything from her hair to her dress looked flawless on her. But that really wasn't a surprise. She had always been one of those girls that always looked effortlessly put together no matter what she wore.

"I just flew in." She told him as she sauntered up to him with a smile on her lips.

She flew all the way back here just so she could go to prom with Demetri?


She must really like him...

I looked at them as they talked and even though I was incredibly happy for Demetri-because I knew how bummed he had been that she wouldn't be able to come to prom or the tournament-I was also upset because now I was officially the only one here without a date and that left something bitter in my mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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