Breaking in And Finding Important Info

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We flew up to the clouds. They had trouble flying at first, but they got the hangs of it. We got to the clouds. They parted a way for us. We flew through and I landed on the fluffy cloud. They landed, but fell through the clouds. I grabbed thier hands and chuckled. "I guess standing on clouds is an angle thing." I pulled them up. They just flew the rest of the way. When we got to the castle it was dark. The castle lights turned on. We hid behind the wall that surrounded the castle. "How should we approach this. Loud way or sneaky way?" I asked.
"Sneaky. We don't wanna draw attention to ourselves." Mad replied. I nodded. I threw a dagger over the wall. It made a loud clanging sound. One of the guards went to check it out. That left only one to guard the front gate. I snuck up behind him and pressed his pressure point. Instantly he fell asleep. (Don't know if it actually works that way '\(°u°)/' ) I waved my hand to indicate that it was all clear. They came and we ran in. The throne was empty. No one was there. That goddess girl must be asleep. We went through the halls. We found her bedroom.

The halo must be in there. I have to get it.

That's to risky. You'll get caught.

I'm doing this for my friends. So they can have wings and stronger power. It's worth it.

I slowly opened the door. It was unlocked. She was sound asleep. I could see the halo, glowing in a locked chest. I looked for the key. It was around her neck. I looked back.
"Septic. I need your help." I whispered. He peaked in. He saw the key. He nodded and used his power to get it off her neck. It floated to me. I grabbed it and quietly opened the chest. It creaked a little bit, but she didn't wake up. There it was. Wrapped in a blanket. The golden halo. I glowed with power. I grabbed e blanket and carried it like a satchel. I walked out and closed the door. I sighed in relief. Then we went to explore more. I heard a scream. A panicked scared scream.

Oh, no! She woke up. What do I do?



In the room at the end of the hall! Hurry!

"Guards!" I heard her scream. Loud footsteps were heard. I lead them to the room 'it' talked about. We quickly got inside. We could hear loud muffled screams of commands. I looked around the room.

Why did you choose this room?

It holds special secrets. Important secrets.


Find it yourself.


I looked around. Shelves of books were everywhere. I pulled out a book. I heard a click. A shelf slid to the left. We gasp and ran inside. Inside was maps, pictures, and battle plans. I took out my phone and took pictures.
"Guys. Check this out." Pewdied said. We went over to him. He pulled out pictures, of each of us. They were in a file. They had all our information. Full name, address, blood type, parents, anything creepy. I felt shivers go down my spine. Pewdied turned over the file. What was written on it shocked me. It was marked "Kill"

Someone wants to kill us! Why?

I do know, but I won't tell you.

Why not. Your suppose to guide me!

Mad grabbed it out of Pewdied's hands. "Maybe we should take this."
"I'm not gonna argue with that." Pewdied replied and walked away.
"Killed. Why would anyone want us killed? We did nothing to an angle." I asked and paced around the room.
"There's something here we don't know about. Something serious. Something to do with us." Mad replied while rubbing his chin.
"But what?" Septic asked.
"Maybe revenge? Or..." Dark began.
"Or what?" I asked.
"I don't know!" He replied.
"It could be revenge." Mad replied.
We thought for a moment. Then it came to me. "Or it has something to do with power and our team." I suggested. They nodded.
"Could be. But why?" Septic asked.
"Because together we have caused so much chaos. Alone and apart we aren't as powerful. They want to separate us, so no more chaos will come." I replied.
"That could be it. Its closer than any other guess." Dark replied. I sighed and looked around.
"The battle plans. What are they for? War?" I asked.
"They are probably gonna start war again with hell. They don't get along at all." Mad said.
I took more pictures and we finally left. We got chased for about 15 minutes, but left safely. It was bright out again. We flew down to Earth. Then we were teleported to hell once again.
"You and your team work quickly." Satan complemented. I handed him the halo.
"So, what's this for? Power?" I asked.
"Correct. Now, what about the information I asked for." He asked.
"Here." I gave him my phone, " I took pictures"
"Why didn't you just take the plans? You idiot!" He scolded.
"I take shit I need, now give us our end of the deal." I crossed my arms and slotched. He chuckled and closed his eyes. The Satan symbol appeared under our feet. The star spun and I could feel power in my viens. It was the best feeling. Soon they disappeared.
Mad didn't give him the file. I guess its for the best. It is our business to keep it.
"If you ever need a hard task done. Call us. We got nothing better to do." I said and we were teleported back to our cabins.
"Now, about our suspects. Let's go visit them." I smiled.

Short random story...

Okay short funny story. At school some kid named Nick tried the charlie charlie challenge. If you dont know what that is. Its like a ghost demon thing. Anyway, you cross pencils and write yes or no in the four spaces. Search it up.(pic above is what it looks like ( ´ ▽ ' )ノ ) Back to the story, he tried this. Now note that I sat in front of him. I turned around to watch him. A group of about three kids watched along. He asked "Charlie Charlie, are you here?" It spun to yes. He panicked and everyone was freaked out for the rest of the day. The trick was, I blew on the pencil so it moved to yes. I haven't told him yet. Everyone thinks its real now. Lol! I only told his best friend J.J. Nick panicked so badly that he's been screaming about seeing the so called "ghost" or "demon" He even told a teacher about it. I have no regrets. ∩( ・ω・)∩

Sorry Nick if you ever read this (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

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