A Secret Of The Past Is Revealed

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We went inside. I was shaky. We sat on the couch. He explained all that he saw.
"You don't remember?" Dark asked me.
"No, I can't remember." I said. He sighed.
"Something isn't right here." He sighed.
"You think?" I asked him. He looked at me then looked out the window. I looked out the window too. There was a man staring at me. I gasp and began to crawl backwards.
"What's wrong?" Dark asked me.
"Someone was there. They were staring at me. You didn't see him?" I asked him. He shooke his head.
"No one is out there." He said. He turned around to look at me. Then the man was right in front of the window. I pointed to him. Dark turned around and the man disappeared.
"I swear he was there! I saw him! He was right at the window." I said.
"Maybe your just tired or stressed. Come on, let's to to bed. If anything happens you can just wake me up, okay? I'll make sure you don't go outside again" He asked me.
"You don't believe me?" I asked him. He rubbed the back of his neck and left.
"Fine! You sleetherene tonight! I'm staying up!" I yelled.
"Just come to bed!" He yelled.
"No! In fact! I'm going out! And don't worry! I'll make sure not to get hit by a car!" yelled and went into the room to grabbed a change of clothes. I changed in the bathroom. I grabbed my jacket that was hanging on a peg and I left. I could hear Dark yelling at me to stay, but I ignored it and went out. I went into the forest and climded a tree. I sat there and looked at the moon.
"You!" I heard a yell. This time it was actually a female. I looked. It was the stupid clone of me.
"Hello Evelyn." I greeted. I jumped off the tree branch. I heard footsteps behind her. Then Mark appeared.
"Mark?" I asked.
"The Midnight Angle. The bitch that got this little angle in custody." Mark greeted. He gave me a mad glare.
"Of fuck off! I'm not in the mood to fight. Fucking Dark." I said and leaned against the tree.
"My brother? Oh, yes. You two are dating. I forgot. Well, I also have a girlfriend now." He smiled.
"Don't tell me its-"
"Me!" My clone smiled.
"Oh Satan! Really you two. You fucking goodie two shoes. Your so annoying. I really need to kill you." I hissed.
"Over my dead body!" Mark yelled and walked in front of her.
"That can be arranged." I smirked and took out my dagger.
"Midnight, don't do it!" I heard a small voice say. I looked around. I looked down at my pocket. Tom was sitting there.
"Tom! What are you doing here?" I asked him.
"Making sure you don't do anything stupid!" He yelled.
"Tom?" I heard another voice say. A small box jumped out of Mark's pocket.
"Oh, great. Its Tim." Tom said sarcastically. He crossed his arms. Tim wave happily at Tom. I took Tom out of my pocket and set him in a low branch on the tree behind me.
"Stay out of this!" I threatened him. I took out my dagger.
"Step aside Mark. I may not be able to kill you since your Dark's brother, but that doesn't mean I'm not willing to hurt you." I threatened.
"Never! I love her!" He yelled
"Your so dumb. She's not real! She just some copy of me. I'm the original." I spat.
Mark looked at Evelyn confused.
"I thought you were the real twin" Mark asked her.
"I am, she's lying!" She pleaded.
"She was made to believe that. She's just some stupid too clone of me. I'm a morpher. She's a clone. She's some fake object." I said,
"Well, even then. I still love her." Mark announced.
"Well, fine then. If that's how its gonna be." I smirked. I put away my dagger and punched Mark. He fell back. Evelyn gasp and ran to him. Mark got up and tried to punch me. I dodged it and punched his stomach.
"I'm stronger than you! Give up!" I yelled. He stumbled back. I tried to punch him again. He dodged it, but unlike you'd expect. I stared at him in disbelief.
"M-Mark." I stuttered.
"What? Giving up?" He asked. My hands grew shaky. I grabbed Tom and ran off. Mark yelled at me. I ignored him and ran into my house. Dark was sitting on the couch. He was sweating like crazy. I slammed the door beghind me. Dark looked up at me.
"Woah, you look like you saw a ghost." He joked.
"And you look like you were put in an oven for an hour!" I replied and ran into my room. I locked the door. I laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling.
"What's wrong Evelyn?" Tom asked me.
"Tom, that fight. It made me realise something. Something about my past." I replied.
I heard a knock on the door.
"Midnight? You alright?" I heard Dark's muffled voice ask.
I opened the door. Dark had a container of ice cream and a spoon. He handed it to me. "I though maybe you'd like it." He smiled. I took it and let him in. I popped open the lid and stuffed a scoop into my mouth.
"I haven't eaten in forever." I exclaimed.
"So what happened. You seem a bit jumpy." He asked.
"I went into the forest. I climbed a tree and just was thinking about stuff. Then I heard a voice. I turned around and my good clone was behind me. Then Mark showed up. I said I was ganno kill my good clone and Mark defended her. I didn't want to hurt Mark since he's your brother so I didn't use my dagger. We fought for a bit, then I punched Mark. He dodge it. Then I ran off." I explained.
"Why would you run off?" He asked me.
I ate another scoop. "Because the way he dodged it. Remember when I had a flashback? Well, the person who saved me from my father dodged his punch a unique way"
"So you think..." Dark asked. I nodded.

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