Life is a Highway

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"Lightning McQueen here, with Greased Lightning!"

"And we use Rust-eze Medicated Bumper Ointment!"

"Nothing says a new bumper like, RUST-EZE!!"

The car in the background then has bumper ointment put on it, and goes from rusted badly, to shining clean, with some words on the bottom saying

Effects not immediately. Takes 2-4 weeks for full effect.

"Wow!! Look at that shine!!"

"Use Rust-eze!"

"And you too."

"Can look like."



The screen then pulled back to reveal the sponsors, Rusty and Dusty laughing at jokes they told the rusted old cars.

Rusty and Dusty are '63 Dodge Dart convertible and '65 Dodge van respectively that are rusted. They started living in their mother's garage and started helping others with a special made Rust Removal Bumper ointment. They made progress, and soon moved out, and made their business bigger with a racer sponsorship with Lightning, and Greased.

Lightning looked inside the tent, and said, "Blah, I hate Rusty Old Cars!! This is not good for my image!!"

"Oh come on, they're not that bad!" said Seth, "They're really nice once you get to know them."

"Yeah, they did give you your big break," said Mack, "Besides, it's in your contract."

"Oh would you two stop please, just go get hooked up."

"Winter, is a grand old time," said Rusty.

"Of this, there are no 'ifs' or 'buts'," said Dusty.

As they talked, Lightning used a cut out of himself to get past the rusted cars.

"But remember, all that salt and grime...."

"Can rust your bolts, and freeze your-"

The cut out fell over, revealing Lightning.

"There he is!!" said Rusty.

"There's our champ!!" said Dusty.

Lightning then forced a smile, and made his way to the stage.

All over, the cars gave him compliments, and he was trying not to get rust on him.

"YOU'RE MY HERO MR. MCQUEEN!!" exclaimed a really rusted car named Fred.

"Yes I know," said Lightning.

He then read the license plate, and said, "Fred, Fred, thank you."

"He knows my name!" said Fred, "HE KNOWS MY NAME!!"

Fred's bumper then fell off after he said that.

"Looking good Freddie!" said Dusty.

"We had a banner year thanks to you Lightning!" said Rusty.

"Yeah, and with this money, we might even manage to get you and Greased Headlights!!"

"Are you saying he doesn't have headlights?"

"That's what I'm telling you, IT'S JUST STICKERS!!"

"Well, you know," said Lightning, "Race cars don't need headlights, because the track is always, lit!"

"Yeah so's my brother, but he still needs headlights!!" said Rusty, as everyone laughed.

Lightning then followed with a fake laugh, as Rusty and Dusty said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, LIGHTNING, MCQUEEN!!!"

A spotlight then shown down on Lightning, and a voice in the background yelled, "Free Bird!!!"

"You know the Rust-eze Medicated Bumper Ointment team had a great race today. And remember, with a little bit of Rust-eze...."

Lightning then whispered under his breath, "And an insane amount of luck, You too, can look like me. Ka-chow."

Lightning then backed up, and everyone cheered.

"Hey kid!" said Rusty.

"We love ya, and we promise you another great year, just like this one!"

The trailer closed, and Lightning said, "Not on your life."

Seth then bumped McQueen, and said, "Really?! What do you have against rusty cars!?"

Outside, Rusty and Dusty called out to McQueen and Greased, "DON'T DRIVE LIKE MY BROTHER!!/AND DON'T DRIVE LIKE MY BROTHER!!"

"California, here we come!" said Mack in the speaker.

"Dinoco, here we come," said Lightning.

"Hey, McQueen, I'm gonna play some video games if you need me," said Seth.

Lightning was just relaxing with a wax massage, while Seth was online, playing against an Italian player known as Open-Wheeler371.

"You won't win against me Open-Wheeler371!!" said Seth.

"Greased Thunder King#1 thinks he can beat Francesco? He is wrong!!!!"

"Wait, Francesco? Is that your real name? As in, Francesco Bernoulli, of the Italian Circuit?"


Open-Wheeler371 was too distracted, and had his OC blown up in the game.

"Hey, it's raining you!!" said Greased.

"YOU BEAT FRANCESCO!?!...... Impressive. Francesco likes."

"What ever you say, Francesco."

"It's a Open-Wheeler371!!!!"

"Then stop referring to yourself in the third person man. It's giving it away."

Just then, the phone ran, and Seth said, "Oh, gotta go. My agent's on the phone."

"Open-Wheeler371 understands. Another time perhaps?"

"Sure. Next time, maybe you'll get me."

Seth shut the game down, and Lightning answered the call.


"Is this the world's fastest racing machines?"

"Is this Harv, the world's greatest agent?" asked McQueen.

"And it is such an honor being your agent," said Harv, "And it almost hurts taking away 10% of your winnings. Anyway, what a race!!"

Lightning then turned on the TV, seeing the replays on the news.

"Hot Champs!! I-I didn't see ya, but I heard that you were great!"

"Um thanks Harv," said Lightning.

"Hey, listen, I got 20 tickets to your race in Cali. Make sure to pass them off to your friends."

"Right, friends....... yeah there's um........"

"Okay, Mr. 'So Popular he can't name all his friends'. Hey, when you get to town, you best make time for your best friend. You gotta break the bread with your mishpoacheh here!"

"Yeah, yeah, you're right!" said Lightning, "We should totally-"

"Okay, I gotta jump kid. Let me know how it goes down. I'm out."

Harv hung up, and Lightning sighed to himself.

"I get what happened that one race Lightning," said Seth, "But that was one car man. Not everyone's like him."

During Lightning's training years, he was tricked by a fellow student, who betrayed his trust, and cost him the position Lightning wanted. After that, Lightning trusted no one, except Seth.

Just then, a horn was heard outside.

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