Traffic Court

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Lightning shook his head, saying, "Oh boy. Oh my head."

"Told you to slow down," said Seth.

Lightning managed to get his vision back, only to see no Seth, but a rusted tow truck, with a missing headlight. The tow truck looks like he's a Haunted Hook/Haulital Hook'em, and a mix of a 1951 International Harvester L-170 "Boom Truck", One Ton Wrecker combined with some pieces of a Chevrolet3800 and an old 1957 Dodge Truck. He is covered in rust and the only visible paint that could be seen is on his sides and on his rear. He also has a bumper with a yellow and black "caution" logo.

"MORNING SLEEPIN' BEAUTY!!" cried the truck.

Lightning panicked, as the truck laughed, "Oh boy I was wondering when you'd wake up!!"


However, Lightning found he had something on his tire.

"A parking boot!? Wha-Why do I have a parking boot on!? WHAT'S GOING ON HERE, PLEASE!?!"

"Lightning, calm down!" said Seth.

The truck laughed, "Ha ha, you're fun!! I like you already! My name's Mater."

Lightning stopped, and looked at the truck, asking, "M... Mater?"

"Yeah," said Mater, "Like, Tamater, but with out the ta! What's your names?"

"Y-You don't know our names?" asked Lightning.

"No um...." said Mater, "no I know your names. Are your names Mater too?"

"What?" asked Lightning.

"No," said Seth, "My name's Greased Lightning, and that's Lightning McQueen."

"Listen," said Lightning, "We need to get to California, fast. Where are we?"

"Well, I got to know the town a bit," said Seth, "And it's called Radiator Springs."

"Yep," said Mater, "The cutest little town in Carburetor County."

"Great," said Lightning, "Just great."

"Well, if you think that's great, you should see the rest of the time," said Mater.

McQueen smirked, an idea in his engine block. "You know, we'd love to see the rest of the town! So, if you could just open the gate, take this boot off, three of us, we go cruisin', check out the local scene..."

"Dad-Gum!" said Mater.

"How about that Tu-Mater!" said Lightning.

"Cool!!" said Mater. However....

"MATER!!" yelled a voice. It was the Sheriff.

"What did I tell you about talking to the accused?"

"To not to," said Mater shamefully.

"I'm sorry Sheriff," said Seth, "He just wanted to know my friend here."

"Alright," said Sheriff, "Just from now on, let me know."

"Wait," said Lightning, now noticing something, "Why aren't you locked up in here with me?"

"Well," said Seth, "I was sensible, and slowed down. It was night, and we had no lights at all."

"Well, we'll talk later, Mater." Mater whispered to Lightning, then laughed, as he drove up behind Lightning, and hooked him up. "Haha. "Later, Mater." That's funny!"

" That's funny!"

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