Something Sinister

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Peter and Gwen runs through the S.H.I.E.L.D. men guarding his home and looks around to see it mostly destroyed and Coulson is nowhere to be found. "I can't believe I let this happen." Peter says. "This wasn't your fault, Spidey." Gwen tells her as Fury approaches him.

"Parker. We've got his demands." Fury says to him, not beating the bush. "What does he want?" Peter asks.

"He said if he gets you, Coulson goes free." Fury explains to him and Peter starts feeling sick. His uncle, one of the few people who've always been there for him when he needed them, was taken because he was to strong to take on himself. "Where does he want to meet?" Peter asks. "Slow your horses, we're not trading you to that maniac. But we need to learn why he wants you." Fury states to him.

They go back to the S.H.I.E.L.D. base and talk to Fitz-Simmons. "Well, if Norman was working on performance enhancers, Peter's blood might just be the key behind it all." Fitz says as he looks at Peter's DNA.

"Peter's blood isn't just...different. If it were transferred into another specimen, it would be the dominant out of anyone's DNA. Their cells would instantly start changing into super soldiers." Simmons finishes his thought for him.

"So, even a drop of Peter's blood could change the entire human body." Fitz finishes off. "Does he really think you'd give Peter up like that?" Gwen asks and they look to her. "Oh, sorry. Hi, Gwen Stacy." She says it introducing herself. "Fitz." "Simmons." They intorucuce themselves to her.

"Sir." Maria Hill comes in while on the phone. "We just got a confirmed breakout from the Fridge. Max Dillon and Aleksei Sythsevich have been broken out by a man in a green mask." She explains to them. "Electro." Peter says. "Rhino." Fitz states at the same time.

"Looks like he knows your strong enough to take him on alone, Parker. So he recruited his own team." Fury says to him. "You still wanna go through with this?" Fury asks him. "If I go in, there's no guarantee that he won't just kill Coulson. So make it There's no way for him to escape, I'll go in and try to keep them down. Gwen, I need you to go home, so I know you're safe." Peter tells her and she gives him a quick kiss.

"Woah." Fitz comments on the action. "Can your Peter tingle see the future?" She asks him.

"No, that's not how it works." Peter tells her. "Stay safe, Spidey." She says as she's escorted home.

"Peter tingle?" Simmons asked.

"That's what she decided to name it." Peter explains to them as he sees their faces. "I'm never hearing the end of it, am I?" He asks them knowing the answer. "Not happening." Natasha says. "I'm telling that to Laura when I see her." Clint states. Peter gets annoyed by his family and starts rushing a plan together.

Peter get driven to the address with Clint and Natasha get out ready to go. "We sure this is the place?" Clint asks, getting his bow ready. The place looks damped, abandoned, maybe haven't been used in years. "Six sense is telling me different." Peter says to him.

"You mean your tingle?" Natasha says smiling. "Great. Never loosing it." Peter realizes. They start walking towards the warehouse as a blast of electricity stops them in their tracks.

They look up and see Electro flying in the air. "Well, well, well, look at who it is. Agent S, Hawkeye, Black Widow. It's been about 3 years, haven't it?" Electro says as he sees them. "Been a long time since we threw your backside into the Fridge, Sam." Clint says, aiming his arrow at him. Natasha aims her guns at him.

"Where's Coulson?" She asks him. "The Agent's inside waiting to be rescued." Electro says to them. "But there's still 800 pounds of a man trapped inside a mechanical rhino suit inside and me out here!" Electro starts blasting at them and they all dodge the bolts of lightning. Peter ducks behind a broken wall of bricks, while Natasha and Clint get behind a damaged car.

"What's the plan, kid?" Clint asks, shooting arrows at Electro and he dodges them all. "I get inside and handle Rhino and find Coulson. You guys stay and handle him! Aunt Nat, Give me some cover!" Peter says as he starts running into the open and Natasha keeps Electro's eyes on her but he soon sees Peter and starts blasting electricity at Peter.

Peter keeps running ahead of the lightning and quickly shoots a web and swings above Electro and comes smashing through a window of the warehouse and lands on his arms and feet. "Coulson!" Peter shouts, trying to find his uncle. He listens to the silence, letting his Six sense guide him by listening for his heartbeat, but he picks up on another heartbeat coming in fast.

Peter webs the ceiling and leaps up as Rhino comes crashing through the wall. "Oh, speak of the idiot." Peter says, as he hangs upside down and Rhino is looking for him. "The annoying Bug finally returned!" Rhino says.

"Uh, hate to hurts your bubble, you called me. You escaped with a psycho in green." Peter states to him and he charges at part of the wall and Peter drops down on top of him.

"So, you tell me where I can find my friend, and we can lock you back in your cell and all be on our way." Peter says as Rhino tries grabbing him off of his back and charges at the wall. Peter quickly leaps in front of him. "Let's get this over with, I've been waiting over a year for this." Rhino states as he charges at Peter.

Peter runs at Rhino and trips his leg by using all his strength to kick it and he sends Rhino flying into a wall. "This will be over as soon as you tell me where Coulson is!" Peter says, getting frustrated at the man.

Rhino gets back up and starts charging at him again. "I don't have time to go around in circles all night, Rhino!" Peter yells as he webs Rhino's legs together and he goes sliding.

As Rhino starts tearing the webbing, Peter lands and states walking to him. "I want answers, now!" Peter yells to him. "Where's Coulson?!" He shouts as he webs him to the ground. "S!" Peter hears someone shout and knows who it is. "Coulson?!" Peter tells as he runs to find him.

He breaks down a door and sees Coulson tied to a chair. "Coulson, is it safe?" He asks him. "Yeah, come on, quick. You gotta hurry." Coulson says as Peter starts untieing him. "Where's Norman?" Peter asks him.

"I was bait, kid. He wasn't using me to get to you. He was using me to get you away from her." Coulson states and Peter freezes in shock. He quickly pulls out his phone and calls Fury. "Fury, get Gwen back to the base. She's the target! Goblin's going for her." Peter tells Fury. "You get Coulson back, I'll get her a entourage to protect her, understand?" Fury asks him.

"Understand, sir. See you home." Peter says and walks out with Coulson to see Clint and Natasha took Electro down. "You would think a guy who's made from electricity can't be brought down by a taser arrow and my widow bites." Natasha says as men come in to arrest the escaped convicts.

Back at the base, Coulson is getting checked on and Peter is pacing. "Peter, she's gonna be here any second, you'll see." Simmons says, trying to reassure him and the fact his pacing is getting annoying to them. "I'm just gonna call her, see where she's at." Peter says.

"Whatever stops you for making a hole in the floor." Coulson says as Simmons is done checking on him. Her phone starts ringing as Peter calls her and waits for her to answer. "Hi, you reached Gwen Stacy, leave me a message, I'll get back to you." It says and beeps.

"Gwen, it's me. I just wanted to check on you. I'm just...Norman has me on edge, I'm sorry." Peter says and hangs up. "You know, my senses aren't going away. I feel somethings wrong if she didn't answer." Peter states to them. "Come on, there could be a number of reasons why she didn't answer." Fitz explains.

"Maybe she didn't have her phone on her when the team was moving her." Simmons explains as his phone starts ringing and he sees its Gwen.

"See? I rest my case." Fitz says as Peter answers.

"Gwen, I was so worried." Peter says into the phone and his face turns white as all he hears is maniacal laughter.

"Can Agent S come out to play?" Goblin asks into the phone. "Where is she, Norman?" Peter asks and all eyes turn to him.

Agent S, Peter Parker-Coulson - Book 1 of the SpiderverseWhere stories live. Discover now