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🇨🇳: unit 2957

🇨🇳: unit 2957

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2957:yes sir

🇨🇳:you I command you to search for India

2957:command received..... commanding operation communist


🇵🇭:no you can't move your king like that

🇯🇵:why not

🇵🇭:because only th-....what was that

🇺🇸:what in the name of nato

🇨🇳:meet unit 2957 he's a robot I created to attack those who dare to mess with communism

🇺🇸:shit.....I can't do anything then

🇨🇳:hes currently searching foe India

🇺🇸:why India

🇨🇳:he told me he wasn't going to my funeral

🇹🇼:you guys I'm trying to sleep then all the sudden medussa was resting ontop of me then......the fuck

🇨🇳:this is my robot



🇮🇳:ah now time for some bread- (here's people screaming and looks out the window from the 50th floor) is that a giant robot climbing up the building straight at me

Unit 2957:you must surrender India

🇮🇳:nope (summons a plane to fly at the bot and it hits making the bot barely flinch)


(a massive bomb strikes the bot making it fall off the building as it stops moving)

India:Oh thank god it's dead

Unit 2957:enter retreat (he starts running off)


🇵🇭:wheres Japan

🇹🇼:she left

🇺🇸:ok I think I might know how to even that machine


🇺🇸:babe you know how you have those parts of a solid Lamborghini


🇺🇸:make a bot

🇵🇭:that takes alot of research but fuck it fine

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