2. you're drunk

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I woke up. Trying to stand up I felt something holding me, that's when I saw that someone handcuffed me to the rv not even in the rv but to the rv. "Hey he's awake." I hear a familiar voice. As I looked up I see that the voice I heard belongs to Andrea. I really hate her. "What the fuck happened?" I asked confused. "Well you basically tried to kill me and Shane." I see a very beaten up rick speaking to me. "What? I never did that." I said. "Oh okey so I and rick did this ourselves then." Shane said very annoyed. "Hey calm down he's still in shock. Listen I knocked you out." Daryl said calmly. "What the fuck man, why would you do that?" I asked confused. "Well you tried to kill Shane and then rick when he tried to get you off of Shane." He said unsure of my reaction. "Fuck, sorry guys." I said not sure what to say. "Sorry won't fix this." Lori yelled at me. "I don't want him around my child, even beter I don't want him in this group." I looked at her with a confused look. "Oh shut up you're a hore, you don't have a thing to say." I said annoyed. "Ey watch your words." Rick said angry. "And why that, I just said the truth." I said not caring anymore because they all already think that I'm a monster. "My wife isn't a hore." Rick said even more angry. "Oh sorry how do I call then someone who is HAVING SEX with their husbands best friend." I said angry, immediately regretting it. That's when I saw carl standing behind the tree. Rick was just speechless but carl, carl just broke down. "Mom tell me he is lying." He said desperately. "He isn't lying is he." Rick said defeated. "Rick listen I thought you where dead." She said pleading. "Oh shut up, you didn't care if he was dead or alive you would screw Shane anyway." I said having enough of her bullshit. "Shut up, you don't have anything to say here." Shane said with a angry look. "Oh sorry my fault I thought that if a hore had something to say than I had too." I say annoyed. "Nathan stay out of it." Daryl said. "No I won't, I began this fight and I have almost killed these two guys and I hate this bitch hore here so I have every right to say what I think." I said clearly more bored than actually interested in the fight. "How could you?" Rick asked Lori once again. "Rick please just listen to me." She tried but I cut her of. "Man such a loss for you Lori, he is actually kinda cute, but no you had to choose the uglier one ofcourse." I said and as I finished I felt a kick in my ribcage. It was Shane who had enough of me. "What the fuck." I said. "Shut your mouth before I do it again." He treated. "Leave him alone." Rick said. "You now on his side?" Lori said still crying. "He at least isn't lying to me." Rick said defending me. "Get me out of this now." I whispered to daryl. Daryl open the handcuffs and I stood up. "Sit down!" Shane yelled at me clearly more afraid of me than he actually had to. "And what if I don't" I said not wanting to listen to him. "You will fucking regret it." He said "Hey calm down you both." Rick stepped in between us while pushing me away with daryl following him and pushing Shane away. "He started with kicking me". "And he had all the rights!" Lori screamed at me. "Shut up and get the fuck lost!" Rick yelled at her. "Don't speak to here like that" Shane said and tried to punch rick in the face but I caught his fist in the mid air. "Let go" He said with a deep angry voice. I pushed his hand away and turned to rick to see him still yelling with Lori. I walked to carl not really listening to anyone. I picked carl up and toke him with me while he was still crying now into my shoulder. "Shhhh, it's alright, you're safe." I said trying to calm him down. As we where far enough I saw Carol and the rest siting together, she saw me first and got up worried and Dale and morales after her and the two man began to walk my way. "Put him down gardner(my last name) now!" Morales yelled at me. Dale walked closer to me and tried to take carl from me. "Nathan let go of him." He said calm and I let go. "I'm sorry" I said to Carol seeing she was angry and terrified. "Don't speak to her." Ed said angry. "What is going on over there" Dale finally asked. "I-I-I told rick about Lori and Shane. That's why I took carl" I said ashamed. Glenn gave me a wet towel to clean myself from blood that was still on me from the fight with rick and Shane. "Shit" Dale said and everyone went silent.

After 10 minutes rick came running our way. "I said leave me alone I need to think." Rick yelled at Lori. I stood up and run up to him. "Hey is everything okey." I said genuinely kinda worried. "Stay away from him" I heard Shane. Rick looked at me with a tiered and sad look asking for help. He was clearly just done with them. "Come with me." I said putting my hand on his shoulder. We went to get carl, still hearing Lori and Shane yelling something but daryl didn't let them go after us. "Carl come with us for a moment." I said to him calmly. We went to the river and sat there not even speaking or anything just sitting.

"I hate them" He whispered to me so that Carl won't hear. "I know" I respond. After like 2 hours of just sitting and them crying a bit we went back and carl went to sleep in my tent. "Are you sure It won't be a trouble if we sleep in your tent" rick asked. "It's okey I will stay on watch with daryl" I said with a little smile. "Okey I will maybe join you guys" He said smiling now. It made me happy that he isn't that sad anymore. We went and took a place at the fireplace and sat there with our group, Shane and Lori sat there too but didn't talk or look at us. Carl came out of my tent after a few minutes cause he couldn't sleep. After few more minutes he went somewhere with Sophia and when they came back they had big smirks on there faces and where clearly hiding something. "Nathan?" Sophia asked innocent. "Yes?" I said moking her. "Can you maybe, please?" Carl asked unsure while showing me the guitar. I looked at rick if it wasn't to soon. "Go ahead." He said with a smile. "Sure give it to me." I said smiling and saw everyone's face light up and began to smile I saw daryl was sitting by a tree and I saw an almost empty bottle of some kind of alcohol beside him. Carl went to get him but got only some grulls back. "Okey what am I singing today." I asked when carl got back.
"Drugs" I hear daryl yell at me. I laughed and looked around to see everyone confused. I went on and sang

"I don't wanna tell my mom I smoked this weed
I don't wanna tell my dad, he'll call me weak
I don't wanna be the blackest of the sheep
Missin' their call every single week
I don't wanna say
Sometimes I do drugs
Not hard ones, just ones that change my mind up
Drugs, can't find us?
If you think I'm gone, I'm just doing drugs
Not hard ones, just ones that change my mind up
Don't mind me if I light up
Only need it sorta kinda
La, da, da, da, da, la, da, da, da, da
La, da, da, da, da, la, da, da, da, da"

Daryl came and sat beside me and began to sing with me.
"Sometimes I don't care
Sometimes I cry too
Sometimes life's a little hard to get used to
Occasionally I forget to sleep
Remind myself that I gotta eat three times a day
This week, try not to clench my teeth
Got a little OCD
Listen to the CDC when I'm feeling uneasy
Sometimes I do drugs
Not hard ones, just ones that change my mind up
Drugs, can't find us?
If you think I'm gone, I'm just doin' drugs
Not hard ones, just ones that change my mind up
Don't mind me if I light up
Only need it sorta kinda
La, da, da, da, da, la, da, da, da, da
La, da, da, da, da
Sometimes I do drugs
Not hard ones, just ones that change my mind up
Drugs, can't find us?
If you think I'm gone, I'm just doin' drugs
Not hard ones, just ones that change my mind up
Don't mind me if I light up
Only need it sorta kinda
Sometimes I do drugs
Not hard ones
Just ones that change my mind up (just change my mind up)
Drugs, cant find us?
If you think I'm gone, I'm just doin' drugs (I'm just doing drugs)
Not hard ones
Just ones that change my mind up (just change my mind up)
Don't mind me if I light up
Only need it sorta kinda (ooh)
La, da, da, da, da, (oh, oh) la, da, da, da, da
La, da, da, da, da, (ah, ah) la, da, da, da, da
La, da, da, da, da, (la, da, da, da) la, da, da, da, da
La da da da da, la da da da da
Just doin' some drugs, hahaha"

At the end everyone was laughing at me and drunk daryl singing about drugs, rick looked at first angry but began to laugh with us.

After I sang a few more songs they all went on to go to sleep and it was just me rick carl and drunk daryl. We mostly laughed at daryl doing silly things. "Daryl go to sleep you're drunk as fuck." I said also a bit drunk but not as daryl. "Noooo. I don't want to" Daryl said slurring his words. "You have to" Rick said moking him. He was also drunk but he and me where still okey to even drive if needed. "But I have a watch" He said now more seriously. "I will cover for you okey" Rick said and he got up. "Carl you need to go to sleep too." Carl got up and went to my tent. Daryl went to his tent and it was now only me and rick. "Thank you." Rick said after a moment of silence. "For?" I asked. "For telling me for defending me and for taking care of carl." He said when he began to lean his head on my shoulder. "It's my fault." I whispered but just hard enough for him to hear me. "I know, But you tried" He said. Just before I could say something. He got his head up and looked me in my eyes like they just told him some kind of a secret. "What is it?" I asked. And before I knew it his lips where on mine. I felt him bitting my lower lip and I opened it to let him in and his tong went in we fighted for the dominance and I won. After we stopped making out. I looked at him and said. "Go to sleep you're drunk."


Hope you all like it so far

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