Who do you go to have a sleep over and what did you two do? 

703 14 21

AQUARIUS♒️: Eddie Dear
What did you two do: make a pillow fort☁️
[you and Eddie decided to make a pillow fort for fun and it was a Amazing fort that you two made.]

PISCES♓️: Frank Frankly
What did you two do: catching fireflies🐛
[you and Frank go outside to catch some fireflies at night time and once you're done catching fireflies, you let the fireflies go living free and in the wild.]

ARIES♈️: Poppy Partridge
What did you two do: bake cookies🍪
[Poppy asked you to help her bake some cookies and you say yes, once the cookies done the two of you ate some cookies and it was delicious.]

TAURUS♉️: Poppy Partridge
What did you two do: play board games♟️
[you ask Poppy to play some board games and she agreed, once you're done with the board game you two play a different game.]

GEMINI♊️: Julie Joyful
What did you two do: pillow fight☁️
[Julie attacks you with a pillow and started a pillow fight with you, five minutes later, and you two start getting tired, but still laughing at each other of having fun.]

CANCER♋️: Barnaby B. Beagle
What did you two do: tell jokes🤣
[Barnaby is teaching you how to tell a jokes some of them are funny, some of them were a little lame, but you two still had fun.]

LEO♌️: Wally Darling
What did you two do: paint🎨
[Wally wants you to paint with him and you agreed, once you're done painting with him, you two decided to clean up the mess that you two made.]

VIRGO♍️: Wally Darling
What did you two do: different styles of hair💇
[Wally is teaching you what type of styles of hair that do you want and it was very fun to do.]

LIBRA♎️: Julie Joyful
What did you two do: watch a movie🎥
[Julie ask if you want to watch a movie with her and you say yes, once the movie is starting you decide to get snacks for the two of you.]

SCORPIO♏️: Julie Joyful
What did you two do: paint nails💅
[Julie ask you if she can paint your nails, of course you have to agree with that so you let her paint your nails and it was kind of nice. She got your favorite color.]

SAGITTARIUS♐️: Barnaby B. Beagle
What did you two do: juggling🤹
[Barnaby is teaching you how to juggle balls and other object, you have some struggles, but it was fun to do.]

CAPRICORN♑️: Sally Starlet
What did you two do: tell a scary stories📖
[Sally and you take turns of telling a scary story and which one of you is the best of telling scary stories.]

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