Did you survive? If not then who Infected you?

443 11 18

This is the Nightmare AU!! From: Froggo a.k.a
@69froggo.is.gay69 on TikTok. I'm doing this because I'm kind of running out of ideas for the welcome home zodiac sign however, there is some A.U that I like to put it in my book so let's get started.

• Barnaby B. Beagle
• Eddie Dear
• Howdy Pillar
• Poppy Partridge

• Wally Darling
• Julie Joyful
• Frank Frankly
• Sally Starlet

AQUARIUS♒️: Did you survive?: NO
Who Infected you?: Howdy Pillar

PISCES♓️: Did you survive?: NO
Who Infected you?: Poppy Partridge

ARIES♈️: Did you survive?: NO
Who Infected you?: Howdy Pillar

TAURUS♉️: Did you survive?: YES
Who save you from the Infected?: Frank Frankly

GEMINI♊️: Did you survive?: NO
Who Infected you?: Barnaby B. Beagle

CANCER♋️: Did you survive?: YES
Who save you from the Infected?: Julie Joyful

LEO♌️: Did you survive?: YES
Who save you from the Infected?: Sally Starlet

VIRGO♍️: Did you survive?: YES
Who save you from the Infected?: Sally Starlet

LIBRA♎️: Did you survive?: NO
Who Infected you?: Eddie Dear

SCORPIO♏️: Did you survive?: YES
Who save you from the Infected?: Wally Darling

SAGITTARIUS♐️: Did you survive?: YES
Who save you from the Infected?: Julie Joyful

CAPRICORN♑️: Did you survive?: NO
Who Infected you?: Poppy Partridge

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