Who say happy Thanksgiving to you and What did you bring for dinner?

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AQUARIUS♒️: Poppy Partridge
What do you bring: Corn🌽

PISCES♓️: Barnaby B. Beagle
What do you bring: Ham🍖

ARIES♈️: Wally Darling
What do you bring: Baked beans🫘

TAURUS♉️: Eddie Dear
What do you bring: Mash potato🥔

GEMINI♊️: Julie Joyful
What do you bring: Punkin pie🥧

CANCER♋️: Sally Starlet
What do you bring: Salad🥗

LEO♌️: Howdy Pillar
What do you bring: Turkey🦃

VIRGO♍️: Frank Frankly
What do you bring: Garlic bread🍞

LIBRA♎️: Barnaby B. Beagle
What do you bring: Lasagna

SCORPIO♏️: Howdy Pillar
What do you bring: Mac N cheese🫕

SAGITTARIUS♐️: Poppy Partridge
What do you bring: Green beans🫛

CAPRICORN♑️: Sally Starlet
What do you bring: Any kind of drink (juice, soda, etc.)🍻

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