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yet another walk of shame.
you thought as you were walking back to your dorm. you couldn't help but notice the stares as you left, like those students had never seen you before. you and mingi were regular fuck buddies, nothing more and nothing less. you weren't seen in public together and you never spoke outside of the dorms. you were fairly content with this arrangement you had going with him. you were exclusive in a way that wasn't exclusive.

after coming back from your thoughts, you finally arrived at your dorm. you're greeted by your roommate as you walk in.

"getting back from mingi's?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows and you let out a low laugh.

"yes and i'm exhausted." you plop on your bed and begin to straighten yourself up.

"i bet, he got you all worked up." she winked and you chuckled again.

"yeah he definitely did which is why i'm pretty exhausted and i really need a shower." you reply.

"shower's all yours roomie!" your roommate replies and you head to the shower.

"thanks yeji." you thank her and head to take your much needed shower.

stepping into the shower, you start to remember your latest escapade with mingi. the way his hands ran up and down your back as you were on his lap. how your body reacted to his burning touch and how you missed it so much in this moment.

since when did i start missing him after our sessions? you thought to yourself.

your self confession startled you because you can't miss someone who's not yours... right?


later that day you decided you wanted to see mingi again and decided to dress for the occasion. you put on a dark blue lace set and threw on a hoodie and sweats to cover it.

you shortly arrive to his dorm after walking across the campus. you're about to knock when you hear giggling, you pause and hide behind the nearest corner. the volume of the chatter rises as mingi's dorm door opens revealing another girl. your chest tightens and you facepalm at your reaction. you don't know why you keep reacting this way and thinking about him. something clicked and you don't know when it did.

maybe it was because he treated you so delicately and was incredible at aftercare.

but he could be treating every girl this way, what makes me different? you thought to yourself.

you push all of those thoughts aside and head towards his dorm, the girl passing you. you knock and out comes a worn out mingi. he has a surprised look on his face that doesn't go unnoticed.

"hey not that it's not nice to see you but when did we start coming over unannounced?" he questioned as he hovered over you.

"i don't know min, i missed you." you cringed in your head as you said that comment.

once again, when the heck did i start missing him AND saying it to his face? you thought to yourself.

"you missed me hm? come in then." he motions you inside and follows behind you, closing the door.

he sits on his bed and pats his lap. you walk over and straddle him.

"you look gorgeous." he trails his hands along your body and you feel that burning touch you longed for once again. he kept caressing you for a bit because he liked the way your body reacted. his hands trail up to your hoodie's zipper but pauses.

"may i?" he asks quietly and you nod eagerly.

"i need to hear you say it." he says lowly and you give him a verbal yes.

with your consent, he unzips your jacket and you saw his eyes darken upon seeing the fabric underneath.

"mmm, my favorite color." he says as he fully takes your jacket off. revealing your smooth skin that makes his mouth water every time.

he presses your body closer and closer against his, leaving you wanting to feel every part of him. you wanted to feel his warmth, in every single aspect.

his head drops down to your neck and he leaves light kisses, leaving you wanting more. as much as you wanted to enjoy this, you have burning questions in the back of your mind.

who was the girl and what exactly was she doing in his dorm? did they do something right where you were sitting?

you just couldn't go on until he gave you answers, but the real question is, why did you care? this was only casual right? nothing more, nothing less.

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