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the next few weeks was really a blur. you didn't have any contact with mingi at all and you just focused on yourself. as much as it hurt, you knew it was for the best.

you missed his presence alot and everytime you'd see him on campus, your eyes would meet. the gaze would linger until you broke it, not wanting to see how long it would last.

mingi wouldn't admit it aloud but he missed you too. with your presence gone, he now realized that he craved you just as much and not just in a sexual way. he craved everything about you and wanted to get to know the true you. what you liked outside of the bedroom, the restaurants you liked and your favorite things to do. he didn't know if that was an option at the moment and he regretted rejecting you.


"hey y/n what's been going on with you lately? you've been distant and you're never distant from me." your roomie yeji, noticed the drastic change in you over these past few weeks.

"i'm sorry, it's just i confessed to mingi and just as i expected, he rejected me." you sigh and explain to her with a heavy heart.

"aww im sorry y/n, maybe he'll come around? you're definitely the catch and if anyone's going to lock him down in that aspect, it'll be you. try not to dwell on it and give it time." she gives you an empathetic look and rubs your shoulder before leaving for her next class.

"she's right i just have to give it time and let it be." you thought to yourself.

you look at your phone and it's just about time for your last class of the day so you get ready to head out. thankfully the classroom isn't too far from the dorms so you won't have to walk extremely far.

whenever you get to the class you sit in your normal seat and notice a blond haired guy sitting next to you. you get your laptop out to begin coursework and put your headphones in.

you feel a gaze on you and turn slightly to notice the guy keeps stealing glances at you but you pay no mind. you continue to complete your work and listen to your playlists.

class is just about over so you begin to pack up your supplies and place your headphones around your neck. as you go to get up, the guy next to you grabs your arm slightly and gets your attention.

"hi i'm sorry to bother you but you look extremely familiar." the slightly deep voice catches you off guard.

"no problem, but i'm not sure if i've seen you before." you say, trying your best to see if you can recognize him.

"you're y/n right, my name is yunho."

"yes actually that's me and i only know one yunho— wait a minute. yunho jeong?"

"yes y/n it's me!" his eyes light up at your remembrance.

"yunho i haven't seen you in years and i had no idea you went here." he stands up and pulls you into a hug, which you return.

"woah you've gotten taller yunnie." you both laugh and he smiles upon you using your old nickname for him.

"haven't heard that name in a while." he smiles and you both begin to walk towards the exit.

"i know it just rolls off the tongue as easy as it used to." you smile and all the memories of you two flooded your mind.

yunho was your childhood bestfriend up until the beginning of highschool. you hadn't seen him in years ever since his family moved hours away. you were so inseparable back then. whenever people would see you, they would see him and vice versa.

"it's so good to see you again, we should exchange numbers and catch up sometime yeah?" he suggested and you nodded exchanging numbers.

"yunho-yah." an uncomfortably familiar voice called him from behind.

"mingi-yah i'm not sure if you've met her, but this is my childhood bestfriend, y/n. y/n this is mingi, my current bestfriend." your heart felt like it would drop out of your chest.

of course this would happen, you were so excited to catch up with yunho after all these years, but now knowing that mingi would be around made you slightly discouraged.

the tension was palpable between you two, it was almost as if yunho wasn't standing there. you wanted nothing more than to pull mingi close, it had been too long since you even spoke.

"i'm sorry i have to go yunnie, but you have my number talk soon." you knew you needed to get away before things were said.

they both watched you for different reasons as you rushed away from them. yunho in slight confusion and worry, mingi in guilt and regret.

"i wonder what's going on with her." yunho said with a hint of worry laced into his voice. mingi simply shrugged and the two began to walk the other direction.

he knew all the while exactly what was going on and he was the reason.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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