if only-wonwoo

400 14 17

tw! angst

dressed in blue jean shorts and a short sleeve button up, m/n grabbed wonwoo's hand as they walked to the travel bus stop, sitting down together. "are you excited?" wonwoo asked, m/n nodding. "i am to be honest." m/n smiled, putting his head on his 'boyfriend's' shoulder.

the rest of their class loitered around, the bus rolling into the spot. "let's go." wonwoo said, the two's bags over his shoulder, m/n showing their tickets before walking to the back of the bus. sliding his duffle under the seat in front of him, m/n leaned against wonwoo, the morning sun starting to peak up from the horizon. "sleep." he whispered, m/n nodding, slipping in his earbuds before nodding off.


"let's go wonwoo!" m/n cheered, kicking off his flip flops and running into the sand, rash guard and swim shorts stuck to his body. "wait." he laughed, grabbing m/n's hands, holding their beach bags.

the 'couple' made their way toward the seats the students had set up, m/n grabbing his book happily. "i'm going to swim." looking around, wonwoo quickly leaned in, kissing m/n's cheek gently. stripping off his tshirt, he ran into the water, mingyu jumping onto his back.

m/n sighed, the euphoria of being with his 'partner' slowly dissipating. the only reason wonwoo and him were like this was because they both had a thing to gain from the 'relationship'. m/n was getting over the recent breakup with his ex and wonwoo approached him about being in a fake relationship to make a statement to his recently partnered crush. being too vulnerable to reject and aching for a rebound, he accepted.

and sadly, he fell for him.

m/n l/n fell for jeon wonwoo harder than he was willing to admit. it pained him every minute to go on 'dates' and to act like a couple around campus when it was something his heart longed for. "-m/n. look at me." soonyoung said, sitting down next to him, jihoon sliding his sunglasses on.

"are you okay?" sighing deeply, m/n put his head in between his legs. "not really." "what's up?" jihoon asked, grabbing his best friend's hand. "this 'fake relationship' thing with wonwoo is hurting me more than i want to admit. i just don't know how to continue this with it not being real." "hmmm." soonyoung said, deep in his thoughts. "talk to him."

"no. that will not end up well." "and why won't it?" jihoon asked, his eyebrow raised. "he likes junho. we got in this 'relationship' because he wanted to show junho he didn't care or something like that." "you can't keep crying over him." soonyoung said, sitting back in his chair. "i know soonyoung." "hug?" he asked, m/n jumping into his arms, jihoon following behind him.

"i love you." "i love you too m/n." "i also love you m/n." "i love you too."

separating, the three grimaced. "yeah we are not doing that again." soonyoung said, jihoon nodding in agreement. "definitely." m/n sighed, leaning back. "now i'm going to read my book."

skimming the top of the page, m/n continuing his story. "m/n!" looking up, he saw wonwoo waving happily at him. "what?" he called back, wonwoo wadding closer. "come in!" taking a deep breath, m/n closed his eyes, removing his towel from his legs and placing his book down. "i'll be back."

running into the water, wonwoo picked up his 'partner', m/n laughing loudly. "what are you doing?" throwing him down, the two getting beaten by the waves. "wonwoo i-" m/n said, the two standing back up. "kiss me." he said, connecting their lips quickly, m/n's arms flailing in shock. "wonwoo i-"

"holy shit!" mingyu said, covering his eyes. "is junho still looking?" wonwoo asked, m/n's smile fading. "wonwoo can we talk-" "yeah i think he was." seungcheol said, cutting off m/n's whisper. "did you say something?" wonwoo said, arms still wrapped tightly around his waist. "no." m/n said, separating them, tears in his eyes.

"are you okay?" wonwoo asked, cupping his face. "i'm fine." m/n said, breathing heavily. "you sure? m/n you look like you have tears in your eyes?" "i said i was fine wonwoo!" m/n screamed, backing away. wonwoo seemed startled at the sudden outburst, m/n walking toward the shore.

"i'm sorry." he said, taking a deep breath. "i'll be at our chairs." walking back, m/n struggled to keep in his tears as he trudged through the water. "are you okay?" jihoon asked, m/n walking into his arms, starting to cry. "i can't do this anymore jihoon." "i'm sorry m/n." he said, holding his best friend's sobbing body tightly.

wonwoo looked longingly at the shore, his face faltering at m/n hugging jihoon. "does something seem wrong with m/n to you?" he asked, passing the waterproof ball to mingyu. "i think so." he said, throwing the ball to seungcheol. "you should check on him." seungcheol said, the ball making it's way back to wonwoo.

"i will." throwing the ball, he glanced back at m/n, his heart fluttering. "i hope he's alright."


hand in hand, m/n's head sunk low as he and wonwoo walked toward a beachside cafe, light yellow tshirt and jean shorts rubbing against his skin. opening the door, m/n making his way to the counter. "you order." wonwoo smiled, his open button up exposing his chest. nodding, m/n put in their order, heart mixing between dropping and fluttering at wonwoo rubbing his back.

"is there something you need to tell me?" wonwoo asked, taking their sandwiches to they selected outside. "nope." m/n said, quickly quieting down. "are you sure? you seemed upset-" "i said i was fine wonwoo. please just drop it." "okay." wonwoo said, grabbing his sandwich and eating quietly.

reaching out, wonwoo grabbed m/n's hand, rubbing his knuckles gently. "i just have to say thanks for everything you're doing for me. you're a really really amazing friend." nodding his head, m/n sighed. "thanks wonwoo." blinking his eyes quickly, m/n took a deep breath as wonwoo kissed his temple.

wonwoo ate his sandwich, m/n longingly staring at him. two tears fell down his cheeks, quickly rubbing them away, watching wonwoo eat.

if only it was real.

word count: 1071
status: unedited
original publish date: 7/17/2023

happy wonwoo day!!
yes i came up with this idea while watching descendants fight me.
makeup artist will be out soon
love you sunflowers


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