if only (pt.2)-wonwoo

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non!idol wonwoo x male reader (non!idol au, college au)
pronouns used: he/him
content warning: cursing, crappy angst

sitting down in a beach chair, m/n looked down at his book, trying to read his book. his college senior trip. ruined. because of jeon wonwoo. looking at wonwoo, who was currently running on the sandbar with mingyu and seungcheol chasing behind him, m/n let out an audible sigh, jihoon groaning in his sleep.

he had to let him go.
he had to let wonwoo go.
it was killing him.

"m/n." soonyoung spoke, grabbing m/n's leg. "what." he let out, turning over. "it's alright. our room is open for when you, you know-" taking in a deep breath, m/n nodded. "ugh it feels like i'm asking him to forget about me." "you kind of are." jihoon mumbled, m/n groaning. "not helping."

"you could just-" jihoon started, his sentence getting cut off. "m/n!" wonwoo smiled, m/n handing off his book to soonyoung as wonwoo picked him up, pecking his head. "you and i are going to go in the water and have a great time."

m/n smiled, pecking wonwoo's lips, the waves splashing around them. "alright then." "hello there m/n." mingyu spoke, wonwoo hugging m/n tightly. it was an act even around his friends. his FRIENDS didn't know.

"hi mingyu!" m/n cheered, wonwoo tickling his side. "time to go into the water babe!" wonwoo spoke, dropping his boyfriend into the water. "wonwoo!" m/n yelled, standing back up. pushing his bang back, m/n's arms flailed in shock, wonwoo kissing his lips gently.

"let's swim?" he asked, m/n sighing. "wonwoo if you called me to swim-" "i just wanted to spend time together." wonwoo frowned, m/n closing his eyes. "i'm really tired wonwoo." sighing, wonwoo rubbed m/n's back, pulling him closer as the waves clashed against them. "i'll hold you until you feel better."

closing his eyes, m/n leaned against wonwoo's bare chest, tears beading up in his eyes.

that would mean forever,
and him and wonwoo didn't have forever.


opening the door to their shared hotel room, m/n sighed, dropping his bag and kicking off his shoes. "wonwoo, can we talk?" "of course m/n." m/n could hear wonwoo getting off the bed, slowly walking to him.

"hey, you okay?" wonwoo asked, cupping m/n's face in his hands. trying to get the words out of his mind, tears flowing down his face. "i-" "hey it's okay." wonwoo spoke, putting m/n's head on his shoulder. "let's go sit on the bed and talk, alright?"

m/n nodded quickly, wonwoo picking him up and walking to the bed, placing him down. "whenever you're ready." wonwoo whispered, m/n sighing. "i'm sick of it. i'm sick of being nothing. wonwoo, i like you. i like you so fucking much and i'm sick of not being anything. so go get junho in a way that won't break my heart, alright?"

wonwoo's face fell, m/n looking away. "oh-" "i hope you get him. i hope you get to date junho and have the best life with him. but just please, leave me alone."

getting up, m/n walked away, wonwoo following him, opening his mouth to speak. "this might be the wrong time but junho asked me out. so thank you m/n." taking a deep breath, m/n grabbed his suitcase, putting his shoes on and grabbing his bag. "wrong fucking time."

opening the door, m/n looked back at wonwoo, tears beading up in his eyes. "i'll see you back at school." wonwoo looked like he wanted to talk, say something to m/n, but his lack of words fell on deaf ears.

closing the door, m/n slid down the panel of wood, tears streaming down his face. his head fell onto his knees, shoulders shaking.

m/n wanted nothing more than to run back inside to wonwoo's arms, take back all he said and go back to how it was. and even though he wanted to, he couldn't, because this would be for the better.


"it's alright m/n, i got you." soonyoung whispered, rubbing m/n's back gently, sobs racking his body. "why did i do that." he wailed, jihoon sitting next to him. "you stood your ground."

"why did i do that!" he cried, sitting up. "it's your fault jihoon for convincing me!" he hit his friends arm, jihoon staying still. "i'm sorry m/n." "i just don't want to exist right now." he let out, soonyoung rubbing his hair. "please don't say that."

"i'll kill wonwoo with my bare hands if it comes to it." jihoon mumbled, m/n laughing through the tears running down his face. "not before i do."

pulling m/n into a hug, soonyoung ruffled m/n's hair. "we should watch a movie." m/n nodded, jihoon laughing happily as he wiped m/n's cheeks. "that's a great idea." "okay then." his voice quivered, his stuffy nose blocking his airway.

as jihoon grabbed the remote, m/n snuggled into soonyoung's chest, soonyoung rubbing his hair. letting out a deep breath, m/n could feel pressure exit his torso. he felt safe with his friend.

joining his friends under the covers, jihoon smiled, the intro to the show starting. "we're here m/n." jihoon spoke, m/n nodding happily.

"thank you."


"m/n." a voice spoke, m/n quickening his pace. "i don't want to talk to you right now junho. please." "i need to talk to you about wonwoo." stopping, m/n turned around, his bag swinging on his shoulder. "about what. we broke up."

"i know you didn't actually date him."

the air left from m/n's chest, junho looking down at the floor. "i know you were dating to help wonwoo date me." m/n sighed, not knowing how to make eye contact with him. "junho, i'm so sorry-" "it's okay m/n. i understand."

the two stood in awkward silence, the only noise the sound of crows fighting over a french fry and the rhythm of the ocean. "so, do you like him?" junho asked, m/n slowly nodding. "an unexpected side effect of dating him." the two laughed, the air between them casual.

"can i open up to you m/n?" junho asked, m/n nodding. "i don't actually like wonwoo. i've seen how it pains you to be with him and how he seems to only be affectionate when i'm nearby. i only asked him out to get you off your plate."

m/n's mouth hung open, closing to swallow quickly. "you're playing him?" junho sighed, rubbing his head. "essentially. i just hate to see you like this." m/n's stomach turned over, not knowing how to react. "that's a decision junho."

"i know, i know, it's bad." he spoke, m/n frowning. "even if we weren't actually dating, i don't want him to get hurt by the guy he likes." junho nodded, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "what if he sees you as an option after this?" his heart picked up. to his dismay, m/n's heart picked up.

he really wanted that.

snapping himself out of his dreams, m/n sighed. he couldn't think like that, couldn't do that to wonwoo. "this is risky junho." opening his mouth to speak, junho was cut off by his phone ringing. "shit, it's wonwoo. i have to go." junho said, checking the caller. "bye junho." m/n said, junho waving as he accepted the call, m/n sighing.

m/n turned around, speeding away from junho, his head racing with thoughts as his heart blazed.

fuck. how was he supposed to keep this from wonwoo?

word count: 1277
status: unedited
original publish date: 3/3/24
tags: @Jagath2005 <3

this has a lot to go and it's going to be a rollercoaster 😔
im gonna sleep nowww

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