Chapter 1: The Favor

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Aaron is in Elemento's(Aaron's spaceship) training room. He was kicking and punching multiple robots that were trying to attack him. Aaron happily named this bots, Adubots.

His ship is colored mainly in orange as that's his signature color but around the parts of the ship were streaks of different colors and around those colors were the symbols of the different elements Boboiboy currently wields; Quake, Thunder, Cyclone, Blaze, Ice, Thorn, Solar and his most recent Lunar.

Aaron, now 24, is a Lance Corporal in TAPOPS. He grew taller, his dark brown hair grew longer, so he had to put it in a low ponytail. His white streak grew longer as well.

His eyes that used to show innocence and warmth now carry maturity and responsibility. But that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to have fun once in a while. He would let out his inner Blaze and Cyclone once in a while. 

Aaron dodged an incoming attack of a robot before using his lightning swords to cut down another incoming Adubot. He used his Cyclone power to blow away the bots as he used Quake's power to summon an Earth dome around the Adubots, trapping them.

"El(the name of the Ship's system). Please send the adubots to the Maintenance Room and please add more Lightning resistant steel onto their system." Boboiboy said as mini drones flew from the ceiling and, using their claws, took the earth dome, which carried the Adubots, as they flew away.

Aaron walked to the bench nearby as he grabbed a towel wiping away the sweat on his body. He placed the towel around his neck as he grabbed his water bottle and took a nice and refreshing gulp.

Ochobot, his most faithful companion and friend, came flying into the training room to tell Aaron he had a message from someone named Wu.

Aaron chuckled giving the small yellow robot a pat on the head as he exited the training room and walked to the control room, where a projector displayed a call signal.

He sat on the chair as he pressed the button to start the call with Wu.

Once the call started, Aaron could see an old man with a long gray beard. Said old man is drinking green tea with a look of calm as he saw Aaron.

"Hello, Boboiboy or should I refer to you as Aaron?" He asked with a chuckle, setting the tea cup down.

"Hello, Master Wu and please, just refer to me as Aaron." He said respectfully. "Is there anything that you might need from me?" He asked.

"As a matter of fact, I do. You know about my pupils correct? The current elemental masters of Fire, Earth, lightning, ice, water, and my nephew Lloyd."

Aaron nodded, he knew about the Ninja, but his elements knew them best. The Ninja's powers belonged to Aaron's elements. The Ninja only carried half of the elemental power.

The Ninja don't have Solar, Lunar, Thorn or Cyclone's powers. Though, Morro had Cyclone's but Cyclone took it back years ago, after he saw how Morro had turned out to be.

"My students have become complacent(this is during Ninjago: Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitsu) and I'm afraid they might be losing their touch with their respective element." Wu said as he took a sip of tea. "So, I want you, Aaron and your elements to train them." Wu said.

"Train them? I do not mind such a request." Aaron said, a smile present on his handsome face.

"I thank you, Aaron." Wu said with a smile, he bowed his head to show his appreciation.

"Though, Master Wu, if I get assigned to a new mission or if I'm needed within TAPOPS, I will cut the lessons and respond to anything that happens within TAPOPS." Aaron said.

"Of course, Aaron. I don't know much about TAPOPS, but if something were to ever come up, please go ahead and take care of it." Wu stroked his beard, a smile on his face as if to reassure Aaron that he won't get mad if he were to leave for a mission.

"You have my thanks, Master Wu." Aaron nodded.

The call ended.

Ochobot then came in and asked if everything was alright.

Aaron turned to his robot companion.

"Let's go to Ninjago."

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