Chapter 2: Lazy Ninja

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The Ninja were lazing around the living area of the monastery. The sounds of their games resonated through the room as the sound chewing accompanied it.

Kai is playing a video game with Zane and Jay, Cole is eating some cake he bought, Nya is looking through her phone and Lloyd laid on the floor as he read some comics.

Wu came in and as his eyes scanned the room, he sighed at how lazy his pupils have become. He looked disappointed at his students who were wasting away their potential as the elemental masters.

"What is it that you six are doing?" He asked as he walked further into the room.

The Ninja looked at Master Wu as if he were blind as they stared at one another. "Umm... Relaxing?" Lloyd answered with an akward smile.

Wu groaned and told the Ninja to stand in a front line which they reluctantly did. They groaned as they got off their comfortable positions.

"Look at yourselves, all of you are wasting your potential as the elemental masters of Ninjago." Wu said.

"C'mon, Master Wu, there haven't been any recent crimes and none of the villains aren't doing anything anyway." Kai said with a snarky smirk.

"Kai is right Master Wu, The crime rate in Ninjago have decreased and none of the villains have done anything as of late." Zane said, repeating what Kai said which the fire ninja took great offense.

"So just relax, Master." Cole said as he took another bite of his cake.

Wu used his cane or rather staff to hit Cole's cake making it fall to the ground and the ravenette grumbled.

"That is why, I have called someone to personally train each and every one of you." Wu said as he pointed his staff at the Ninja.

It took time for the Ninja to Regis his words. They looked surprised, shocked even. Who could this person be?

"Who Master?" Lloyd asked with interest.

"He is an old friend of mine. He has the ability to control seven elements including yours." Wu said.

"What!? Someone who can control all elements!?" Jay yelled panicked.

"Who can be able to do that!?" Nya yelled as well.

Wu smirked. "He is a Lance Corporal of a space station. He is a protector of multiple planets. His code name is BoBoiBoy but his true name is Aaron."

The Ninja looked shoked. Lance Corporal? Space station? Protecter? Everything is so confusing for the Ninja as they try to process everything.

"He will arrive soon. But there are conditions for his services." Wu said seriously.

"What are these conditions?" Zane asked with a raised eyebrow. (A/N: Does he even have eyebrows)

"firstly, You six must not question his powers and teachings. Secondly, you must do whatever he says. And thirdly, you must be claimed ready in six months." Wu said.

"Six months!?" Kai yelled. To some, six months is very long but for these
Ninjas, they need at least 1 year to improve.

"We can't improve in six months!" Cole yelled.

"Also what do you mean by not questioning his methods!?" Jay yelled as well.

"His powers are great and he can teach all of you each at the same time." Wu said as he stroked his beard.

"Same time? So he can used multiple elements at the same time?" Nya asked confused.

Wu smirked as the ground started to rumble. The Ninja looked outside to see a giant ship landing on an empty space behind their home.

The Ninja ran down with excited faces as Wu did so as well. The hanger opened and out came a brunette haired boy and a round shaped robot.

"Pupils, meet your new mentor, Aaron." Wu introduced as Aaron smirked, his Thunder personality taking over.

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