Chapter 4: FIRE!!

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Ah, what a lovely early morning. The sun is shining upon Ninjago, and a few citizens remained on their beds while some groggily got ready to start the day.

The Ninja, try as they might, were unable to get out of bed. The soft and comfortable feeling enveloping them as they sink in their mattresses. They are in sweet bliss, the relaxing feeling that makes you want to marry your bed.

"Everyone up! Everyone up!" Yelled Ochobot as he floated around the sleeping quarters that belonged to the Ninja.

Jay fell off his bed and landed on the floor with the thud. "Ugh, why.. it's too early!" Jay exclaimed, attempting to crawl back to his bed.

The Ninja groaned, not happy to be awakened so suddenly. They had such blissful dreams too.

"Ochobot.. it's like-" Checks the time. "7:00 am. Way too early for us." Says Kai as he groaned and threw the blanket over himself once again.

"Yeah, I'm sure Aaron can wait.." Nya interjects, yawning. "Just a little more.."

The other Ninja too went back to bed. For them, training started at 11:00. It would be cruel for their bodies to start at such an early time such as 7.

Ochobot was not happy. Fine, if he can't wake them up, someone else will. And that someone is a certain hot headed chicken-headed flameboy.

. . .

Silence. Sweet, sweet silence as the Ninja snored away on their beds, with the occasional mumbling about cake from Cole and Lloyd daydreaming about his Daddy Issues.

They breathed in the sweet morning air and smoke. . . Wait. . . Smoke? The Ninja jumped up from their beds as they saw Jay's bed, which was nearest to the door, had lit on fire.

"Kyaaaa!" Jay yelled, jumping down from his bed and attempting to get rid of the fire to prevent it from spreading but it seemed only to get worse.

"Nya! Do something! Or Zane!" Lloyd exclaimed as he turned to the Water and Ice elemental master.

Nya waved around her hands and in her hands a water bubble started to form. "Hiyaa!" She exclaimed for dramatic effect and threw the bubble onto the fire but it only made the fire bigger, and stronger. They could practically feel the heat start to kick in.

Zane shot ice beams onto the fire to prevent it from spreading and getting stronger but his ice was no match as the fire got way too big. "I can't! It seems my ice is too weak."

"W- What do we do!" Exclaimed Kai.

"Can't you control the fire, Kai?" Yelled Cole.

"No! And what do you want me to do? Throw more fire inside!"

"Please don't." Says Jay as they all backed away from those scorching hot flames.

Then, there was laughter. Someone was laughing at them. As the laughter got louder, the flames got weaker until eventually the fire was no more.

"You should have seen your faces!" Says a man who stepped into the room, pointing at the Ninja and laughing.

The Ninja instantly realized that it was Aaron! Aaron caused the fire! But why?




I need to update my other story too..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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