Episode 1

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Rimuru had always enjoyed the peace and quiet of his nation, but today he felt restless. He had been reading about the history of the world outside his borders, and he longed to see it for himself. With a thought, he opened a portal and stepped through.

The first thing Rimuru noticed was the bright sun overhead. His eyes took a moment to adjust to the sudden brightness, but when he did, he saw a figure approaching him. It was a young woman dressed in armor and wielding a sword.

"Who are you?" Rimuru asked, curious.

"I am Saber," the woman replied, drawing her sword. "And you are trespassing on the lands of the Kingdom of Camelot. State your business, slime."

Rimuru laughed

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Rimuru laughed. "You think a simple sword can harm me? I have the power of Azathoth at my command. I could destroy this entire kingdom if I so chose."

Saber's eyes widened in surprise. "You have the power of an Old One? I had heard rumors, but I did not believe them to be true."

Rimuru shrugged. "Believe what you will. But I am not here to cause trouble. I simply wish to see the world beyond my own borders."

Saber lowered her sword. "I see. Well, I cannot allow you to wander freely in our lands. But perhaps we can come to an arrangement. I am in need of a strong ally to help me protect Camelot from its enemies. Perhaps you would be willing to lend me your aid?"

Rimuru considered the offer. It had been a long time since he had worked with anyone, but Saber seemed honorable enough. And besides, he was curious to see what kind of battles Camelot faced.

"Very well," Rimuru said. "I accept your offer."

Saber smiled. "Excellent. Then let us get to work."

Rimuru: "This world is so much bigger than I ever imagined. I feel like I've only seen a tiny fraction of it."

Saber: "Yes, the world is full of wonders and dangers. But with your power, I believe we can face any challenge."

Rimuru: "I have to admit, I've grown used to ruling over my own nation. It's strange to be working for someone else again."

Saber: "I understand. But you'll find that working with others can be just as fulfilling as ruling alone. And besides, Camelot could use all the help it can get."

Rimuru: "Tell me more about your enemies. Who are they, and why do they want to harm Camelot?"

Saber: "There are many forces at work in this world, some good and some evil. Camelot has always stood for justice and honor, and that makes us a target for those who seek to do us harm. But with your power, I believe we can overcome any obstacle."

Rimuru: "I must warn you, Saber. My power is not without its risks. The more I use it, the harder it becomes to control."

Saber: "I understand. But we will face whatever challenges come our way together. You can count on me."

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