Episode 3

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(Scene opens with Rimuru and her 12 subordinates gathered together in a meeting room)

Rimuru: Good day everyone. I have an important announcement to make.

Dream: What is it, Rimuru?

Rimuru: I have recently met SCP-2747 Anafabula, and she has requested to become my queen.

Rimuru: I have recently met SCP-2747 Anafabula, and she has requested to become my queen

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(Awkward silence fills the room as the subordinates exchange confused glances)

Miura: Queen? What do you mean, Rimuru?

AnchoR: Are we not enough for you?

Rimuru: Oh, no no no. Of course, you are all important to me. But Anafabula is a powerful SCP, and I believe she can be a valuable addition to our nation.

Lucifer: (muttering to himself) Great, another subordinate to keep track of.

Aphmau: (smiling) It's always good to have more allies.

Aaron: (nodding) I agree.

Technoblade: (grinning) More power for us.

Rimuru: (smiling) Thank you all for your understanding. Now, I would like to introduce Anafabula to you all.

(Anafabula enters the room, and everyone looks at her in shock)

Anafabula: Hello, everyone.

Miura: (whispers to Rimuru) Is she really an SCP? She looks like a fairy tale princess.

Rimuru: (whispers back) Yes, she is. But don't let her appearance fool you, she's very powerful.

Dream: (grinning) And she wants to be your queen, Rimuru?

Rimuru: (nodding) Yes, that's correct.

Lucifer: (chuckles) I never thought I'd serve under a queen.

AnchoR: (giggles) Me neither.

Aphmau: (smiling) Well, it's a new experience for all of us.

Aaron: (nodding) Indeed.

Technoblade: (smirks) As long as she's not as bossy as you, Rimuru.

Rimuru: (giggles) Hey, I'm not bossy.

Paimon: (giggles) Sure you're not.

(Anafabula looks around at the group, a little overwhelmed)

Anafabula: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause confusion or anything.

Rimuru: (smiling) Don't worry about it. They're just a little surprised.

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