Episode 4

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Rimuru and his subordinates gathered in the throne room, discussing the future of the nation. They had already gained many allies, but they knew they needed to strengthen their defenses and improve their infrastructure to prepare for any potential threats.

Rimuru: "Alright, everyone. We've made some great progress, but we need to do more to improve our nation's defenses and infrastructure."

Aether: "I agree. We need to build more defenses to protect ourselves from any potential threats."

Lumine: "And we can also work on improving our technology to make our nation more advanced."

Aphmau: "I think we should also focus on building stronger relationships with our allies to form a united front."

Aaron: "And we can improve our communication and transportation systems to make it easier to work with our allies."

SCP-040: "I think we can also work on training our soldiers to make them stronger and more skilled in combat."

RyuZU: "And we can improve our factories to produce more advanced weaponry and technology."

Miura: "And we can also work on developing new technologies and inventions to benefit our nation."

AnchoR: "I agree. We can also work on improving our medical facilities and treatments."

Arc: "And we can also focus on improving our agriculture and food production to feed our people."

Ariane: "And we can work on creating more jobs and opportunities for our people to improve their standard of living."

Dream: "I think we can also work on creating more entertainment and recreational facilities to keep our people happy and satisfied."

Technoblade: "And we can also focus on improving our education system to ensure that our people have the knowledge and skills they need to succeed."

Doom Slayer: "And we can train our soldiers to use more advanced weaponry and tactics in combat."

Doom Chief: "And we can also work on improving our transportation and logistics to ensure that our troops can be deployed quickly and efficiently."

Doctor Strange: "I can use my powers to help improve our nation's magical defenses and develop new spells and enchantments to protect us."

Shielder: "And I can use my skills as a knight to help train our soldiers and protect our nation from any threats."

Naofumi: "We can also work on improving our trade relations with our allies to benefit our economy and increase our resources."

Maple: "And we can focus on developing our crafting and production skills to create more valuable items and resources."

Rimuru: "Excellent suggestions, everyone. Let's get to work and make our nation stronger than ever before."

The scene cuts to various shots of the subordinates working on different projects, from soldiers training with Shielder to scientists developing new technologies with RyuZU, Miura, and AnchoR. The scene also shows Rimuru meeting with various allies, discussing trade and defense strategies. As the episode progresses, the subordinates face various challenges and setbacks, but ultimately overcome them with their ingenuity and teamwork. The episode ends with the nation's defenses and infrastructure greatly improved, and the subordinates looking forward to facing whatever challenges may come their way.

Rimuru called all of his subordinates to a meeting, where he shared his plan to upgrade the nation and strengthen their allies. He discussed building stronger alliances with neighboring nations and tribes, expanding their territory, and developing new technologies and magical abilities.

The conversation was lively, with everyone giving their input and ideas. Aphmau suggested building a school for young adventurers and mages, while Aaron proposed forming a guild to attract more skilled warriors. Technoblade suggested setting up a training ground for soldiers and mages to improve their combat skills.

Rimuru listened to everyone's suggestions and was impressed with their creativity and dedication to the nation. He promised to take their ideas into consideration and work towards making the nation even stronger.

Meanwhile, Aether and Lumine offered to travel to Inazuma City to strengthen their alliance with the Electro Archon and her followers. They hoped to establish a trade agreement that would benefit both nations and improve their economies.

Lucifer, on the other hand, reached out to the Seven Deadly Sins and successfully convinced them to join forces with Rimuru's nation. He promised them great rewards and adventures, and they were eager to prove their worth in battle.

As for Naruto, he spent his time mastering his new abilities and developing new jutsu with the help of his fellow mages and warriors. He hoped to become even stronger so he could protect the nation and his friends.

The scene was a mix of comedy and drama, with some romantic tension between a few characters. There were also exciting battles and dangerous missions as the nation worked to expand and strengthen their alliances.

Overall, the episode focused on the theme of growth and development, both for the nation and its inhabitants. They all worked together towards a common goal, showing their dedication and loyalty to Rimuru and the nation they called home.

(I know it just a short story but don't worry guys because I will make long story in next episode)

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