hoo hoo(made during a school trip lmao)

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In the morning, Wizard Cookie felt quite tense around his mother after her loss of temper. She seemed constantly mad at Pure Vanilla Cookie, like she believed he had done something to them. Even Wizard Cookie's best friend could tell something was wrong.
"Maybe they'll divorce.." he said almost reassuringly. Gingerbrave tugged at his sleeve awkwardly, sighing and mumbling about how nice Pure Vanilla Cookie was and fretted that they might and he would be depressed. "Didn't you say that he used to have a berry juice addiction? What if he falls back into it? I hope not.." Wizard Cookie nodded absent-mindedly as he continued to write notes onto his massive, heavy notebook he was using for his cat project. "Oh crap, we had a project yesterday?! Did I miss it? What's the topic??" Gingerbrave stammered quickly. He had a tendency to speak fast, loud and for ages - sometimes, Wizard Cookie felt that if no one stopped him, Gingerbrave could talk for hours! Wizard Cookie smiled serenely and sighed. "It's cats."
"OhthankgodIthoughtImissedsomethingimportantareyousureyou'redoingokwaitIdon'tneed towo-" RING! The school bell struck, signifying the end of recess. "What I was gonna say was-" "I know. Basically the entire neighborhood knows." Wizard Cookie sighed and blushed slightly. No one knew this, but he secretly thought he may have a slight possible crush on his carefree, anxious best friend. What they didn't notice as Wizard Cookie shared anecdotes of yesterday (Gingerbrave was off for a MRI scan and blood test), such as when the history teacher accidentally downloaded a ransomware and they had to wait until she could get her files back, was the hall monitor, Lemon-Lime Cookie. He was bland, boring and always stuck to the rules, and the rules said that that moment was English, so they had to get out.
"YOUUUUU!" he yelled, making them both jump and squeal - Wizard Cookie had to furiously hold back tears. "GET. INTO. ENGLISH. NOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!" "Okokok! We're going!" Wizard Cookie yelped anxiously. He gathered up his books with Gingerbrave and they ran past Lemon-Lime Cookie and both sprinted as fast as they could into English and took their seats.
"You are late."
The formidable English teacher, Pomegranate Cookie, stood in front of her podium. Her face was steely and she was the strictest (and most hated) teacher at school. Gingerbrave gulped and tugged at his sleeve again out of genuine fear. Wizard Cookie stood his ground and apologised deeply. "We're sorry, Miss Pomegranate, we lost track of the time while I helped Gingerbrave with the project.."
"I do not want to hear your excuses. Not only are you 5 minutes late, you ran into my classroom like a pack of apes. You know that lateness and running are against the rules."
Her voice was calm but terrifying - the sense of disappointment and guilt she always gave Wizard Cookie just made her hated even more - sure, they aren't allowed to run in the corridors, but it's forgiven if they're late to class, so she had no right to speak to them like they'd broken the rules. The rest of the class erupted into angry mutters as she took her place behind the podium once again.
"Silence, all of you. Today we are working on our projects on domestic felines. Please may everyone give me their current projects so we can work on the wrongs and praise the rights."
That was basically her catchphrase, even for regular work or exams. While everyone else was told off for theirs being so short, Wizard Cookie finalized the last chapter while he waited for his turn.
"Wizard Cookie, please come to my podium and show me your work. I have a feeling I'll have a surprising amount of praise for your work."
Wizard Cookie hoped with all his heart that the work was enough.
But no work is ever good enough for Pomegranate Cookie.
"Hmm...good, good, you've certainly done a lot more than the others. But alas, lots of work is not good work. You've mi-" Thankfully, her wrongful lecture (wrongful in that Wizard Cookie had done good work, that is) was interrupted by Lemon-Lime Cookie. "M-Miss Pomegranate, ma'am, we need to borrow Wizard Cookie.." he stuttered - most of the students not only hated but also feared Pomegranate Cookie, and Lemon-Lime was no exception. Wizard Cookie glared quickly at Pomegranate Cookie, grabbed his notebook and backpack, smiled at Gingerbrave and walked out of the classroom in relief that he had been able to avoid a public humiliation in the form of Pomegranate Cookie's lectures, though he soon wished he was still in class when he saw his mother's face. "Mom....? What happened..?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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