~Chapter 2~

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Lucianas pov

i was looking out the window waiting for him to come back so we could go outside i wasn't allowed to go outside alone it was one of his rules i of course listened to him. He only wanted to keep me safe. And i knew he'd get worried if i was out alone. i didnt want him to be worried about me he already has enough on his plate. all i want is him to be able to relax when he comes home and not have to worry about me. Im just there to give him love and support i dont want him to worry about me.

I looked down at the forest it looked so peaceful. Thesre was a gravel road leading to a gate i couldn't see the gate since it was so far away. The gravel road went in the middle of the forest the castle was in the middle od the estate there was a forest surrounding it and some fields aswell there was a beautiful dark blue lake in the forest as well as rivers there where deers and rabbits, Squirrels, Hedgehogs and horses and other animals around but there were no animals that would hurt them. Luckily i love animals i own a cat his names flin hes an orange cat.

I dont know where he is fight now. Probably outside. I looked at the moon it was shining bright in the dark sky the light that came from it made me look like a goddess. I mean i was a goddess but the moon made me look like one aswell i saw movement in the corner of my eye i looked down to see leo. He was back!

i quickly started running towards the stairs i reached the stairs and saw him at the large front door he was still in his devil form. i smiled brightly at him i ran down the stairs and hugged him although he was 10 feet so i was pretty much hugging his leg.

he switched back to his normal form and picked my up placing both his hands onto my butt
"i love how your not afraid of me" he said smiling "why would i be scared of the man i love?" i asked placing kisses on his neck " oh i have a story for you.." he said quietly i stopped kissing him and looked at him. " Go on" i said

"Today i was looking for this man who ive been trying to catch for a week he was at a bar so i snuck in. I saw him at a table so i started walking over to him. I was stopped by a woman who kissed me on the cheek and tried getting me to hook up with her i kept declining but she didnt take no for an answer so i had to kill her." he said he looked into my eyes.

i could see he thought i was going to be mad that he had been kissed by another. i was but it wasnt his fault i blame the woman. I smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the lips he kissed back.

i pulled away remembering what i wanted to do "leo can we go outside?" i asked looking at him he smiled "so you haven't broken my rules" he said looking happy. I smiled at him and shook my head ofc i hadn't. I never wanted him to feel disappointed in me.

"why not" he said placing me down. he opened the door and let me outside as he followed behind. He put one of his hands onto my back. i looked up at him i felt like the happiest woman on the planet i have the man i love by my side. I love him to death. I've been with him for 8 years im 19 so is he.

i saw flin laying ontop of a fence near the river i my ran to him. he looked up and saw me running towards him as i got to the fence he jumped onto my shoulder and started purring. i turned around to see leo walking towards us. i felt something tugging on my dress i turned around to see a small gnome instantly i felt leo pulling me behind him.

"DONT KILL IT LEO!" i yelled he turned to look at me shocked "sorry" i said pecking his cheek "can i talk to it" i asked he looked like he wanted to say no but he saw my pleading look so he said "ok fine" he stood close to me i felt his eyes staring at the gnome if he made one wrong move he would be dead.

"hello" i said kneeling down infront of the gnome
"hello miss Luciana" he said "how do you know my name?" i asked him "i know alot off stuff that happened, happens and will happen here" he said "thats cool" i say smiling "i need to tell you something" he said glancing at leo.

I felt my stomach drop i knew leo feared the worst so did i "go on" i said he whispered it into my ear i felt a blush coming to my face. i thanked him for letting me know then he was off he waddled pretty quickly into the forest.

I got up and faced leo "what did he say?" he asked "he said i cant tell you" i said feel bad i wanted to tell him but he had told me not to. "is it bad." he asked i saw his worried eyes dart around my body "no it's actually really good" i said smiling i grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the castle flin still on my shoulder.

I opened the door to see rafe standing there "Luciana could you go to our room" leo said letting go of my hand i felt a bit of sadness i really wanted to spend the night with him. i frowned and walked up the stairs i opened the door to the room and walked in closing it behind me.

Why did he always have to leave all i want is to spend a night with him. I layed down on the bed flin got odd my shoulder and jumped off the bed he curled up into his own bed. i felt a tear run down my face i dont know why he was going to be back.

i closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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