Back story

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You left the obx 2 years ago. Your dad insisted that you both move somewhere where nobody could find you. Your dad was quite the crazy man, he'd always been a huge fan of your brother Jesse and never cared about you but it didn't overly affect you. That was until Jesse died. Your brother passed away when you were just 6, he was 11. It broke your dad and he was never the same after that. He'd hit and abuse you blaming you for your brothers death. And this is why...

Your brother had an unknown disease that unfortunately wasn't discovered until many years after he died. You were playing in the garden with Jesse as you always did. Then suddenly he collapsed and stopped moving. You ran to your dad to tell him what was happening but he always ignored you. He didn't even look up until you said Jesse's name. Even then it took him a moment to actually bother listening to you. When he heard what you said he rushed outside pushing past you to find his son dead.

Ever since you had got the blame for not telling him quicker. You did everything you could but he didn't see it that way. By the time you turned 15 your father decided it was time to move away from here now that you finally had the answers as to what caused your brothers death. It'd taken so long to find out as it was so sudden and he'd shown no symptoms of anything being wrong before he died. And now that your dad knew that's all he cared about still he only cared about his son.

You begged him not to make you leave but he didn't listen he wanted to move away and he didn't want to but had to take you with him. You didn't get a chance to say goodbye to your friends. It broke your heart to not be able to say goodbye to your best friend Sarah. You met her when you were 5 years old and you'd been inseparable since. So when you managed to text her telling her you left she was beyond annoyed that you didn't tell her before.

And everything was boring since then you spent the last couple years in Ohio being beat and treated awfully by your father. You didn't go to school and attended two jobs so your dad didn't have to work as much.

So when you turned 17 and was able to drive you left and drove back to the Obx. Your true home.

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