Meeting the group

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Y/n: Sarah I'm really nervous

Sarah: relax it's okay John b said you can stay plus there all really nice. Kie will be there.

Y/n: oh yeah i remember her we didn't really talk though

You had a geography class with Kiara before you left.

Sarah: she'll adore you I know it.

Y/n: how many people will be there ?

Sarah: me, you, John b, Jj, pope and Kie so six including you

Y/n: that's a lot of people to meet all at once

Sarah: trust me y/n it'll be fine

Y/n: okay if you say so

It turns to 7 o clock and you guys walk to the chateau when you get there you see everyone in the living room.

Sarah: hey guys !

Everyone greets Sarah and you stand kind of awkwardly

Sarah: guys this is y/n my friend who used to love in the obx

Kiara: hey y/n, i think we had a class or two together a couple years back

Y/n: yeah.. geography

John b: hey I'm John b, Sarah's boyfriend

Y/n: hey

Pope: I'm pope the only one around here with a brain

You chuckle at this

Y/n: nice to meet you

Jj: hey I'm JJ

Y/n: hi JJ

Your eyes linger on him for a second, he's pretty cute you thought to yourself. But it was too early for any of that you'd only just got here.

John b: y/n is it okay if you and Kie sleep on the couches tonight i promise there comfortable we only have 3 rooms and it makes sense to have you two girls together

Y/n: of course yeah that's fine

You and Sarah sit down joining everyone Sarah's on one side and Pope's on your other and JJ is opposite you. You couldn't help but notice him keep looking over.

Pope: so y/n why did you move away from obx ?

Y/n: it's complicated my dad was a horrible person and he made me move

The room fell silent and everyone looked at JJ who was looking at you. You looked around awkwardly trying to figure out why.

Jj: sorry it's weird my dads like that to he hits me and shit

You were surprised about how open JJ was to someone he barely knew. But it couldn't hurt to be the same back right ?

Y/n: yeah me too

Everyone was silent not knowing how to change the subject and continue talking normally. Kie broke the silence asking you a question.

Kiara: how old are you ?

Y/n: 17. What about you guys ?

Sarah: everyone's 17 except pope

Pope: I'm 17 in 2 weeks

You guys carried on talking and you got to know everyone a bit better. You guys were all drinking beer and as it got later you guys decided to play truth or dare.

Pope: John b start

John b: Kie truth or dare

Kie: truth

John b: the last boy you kissed ?

Kie: oh god um probably pope

It was awkward for a minute before Kie carried on.

Kie: Pope truth or dare

Pope: dare

Kie: I dare you to down your beer

Pope: bet

Everyone's cheering and laughing as Pope does this.

Pope: ok uh y/n truth or dare ?

Y/n: truth

Pope: minus Sarah who do you like the most out of everyone here ?

Y/n: that's hard your all so nice but I'm probably gonna say Kie or JJ only because I've met Kie before and I feel like me and JJ have a bit in common

Jj smiles.

John b: next round

Y/n: Sarah truth or dare

Sarah: truth

Y/n: if you could date anyone but John b who would it be

Sarah: oh god that's brutal I'm gonna say Kie

Jj: that's fucking gay

Sarah: what I'm not dating any of you lot or any disgusting kooks!

Kiara: hey what's wrong with me ??

Everyone laughs

Sarah: Jayj truth or dare

Jj: truth

Sarah: who's the hottest in the room ?

Jj: gonna have to say y/n

Y/n: thanks

You laugh awkwardly and everyone else starts winding Jj up saying he has a crush.

It's time for bed and you get ready in the bathroom before joining Kie in the living room to go to bed.

Kiara: hey y/n

Y/n: hey

Kiara: I can't believe what Jj said about you

Y/n: oh that I was hot ? I know. I only just met him.

Kiara: yeah he can be very forward

You laugh it off even though it was on your mind for a while. About 30 minutes later you fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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