Chapter Three - Ice Pick *

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C H A P T E R   T H R E E

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ice pick

Even though they only took part in it once a week, it was Amber's personal opinion that Physical Education was single-handedly the best of their weekly elective classes. Not only was it slotted into the first class period of the day, meaning they didn't have to sit through a sleep-inducing English lecture at eight in the morning, but it also meant that she was given the opportunity to watch Stiles get enticingly sweaty, up close and personal, for forty-five blissful minutes.

This Friday was, unfortunately, one of the less sweat inducing activities. Coach Finstock was timing each of them as they climbed the rock wall in pairs of two, jotting down their times on his clipboard as they all slowly took their turns.

Scott and Allison were currently hooked up to the wall, clearly bantering back and forth with flirty smiles as they climbed the tall structure at the far side of the gymnasium.

Stiles had his arms wrapped around Amber's stomach as he watched from his spot behind her, chin propped on her shoulder as he slouched over her body. He glanced at the side of her face and his next exhale puffed out loudly over her ear, causing her to flinch and tilt her head away from the noise.

"You're annoying." She laughed, blindly reaching up to push his face away gently with her hand.

He only tightened his arms around her waist and laughed, turning to dig his face into the crook of her neck in retaliation. She brought a hand up to rub over the short soft hair on top of his head as she watched Scott lose his grip on the rock wall and fall back toward the ground slowly with the protection of his harness.

Allison was looking down at Scott with a satisfied grin and Amber laughed along with most of the other students as Scott landed softly on his back on the cushioned floor mat.

Coach squatted down beside him, also laughing at Scott's misfortune, "McCall. I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kinda joy." He chuckled again before standing up and looking at the students grouped in front of him. "Alright! Next two." Coach's eyes raked over the group as he chose his victims carefully, "Stilinski! Daehler!"

Amber was released as Stiles stepped up to the wall while Allison repelled back down. He took Allison's place in the harness as Matt Daehler hooked himself into Scott's. The boys readied themselves to climb and Coach prepared his timer, clicking at the buttons to reset the device.

"Woo! Go Matt!" Amber cheered encouragingly.

Stiles turned to scowl at her playfully in response to her taunts and she grinned wide. She was still smiling when Matt turned to face her as well and she gave him a friendly thumbs up just as Coach blew on his whistle loudly in indication for them to go.

Scott returned to stand beside her and he bumped her shoulder with his as Matt and Stiles started their ascent.

"That wasn't very nice." Scott laughed before cheering for their friend himself, "C'mon Stiles!"

Selenophiles Vol. II  ☾ Stiles Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now