Chapter Four - Abomination

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There was a sharp pain in the side of Amber's head when she woke. With a groan, she attempted to reach a hand up toward the injury but found herself unable to do so, her arm trapped against her side by a warm weight. She cracked her eyes open immediately but her surroundings remained unnervingly pitch black.

A terrified tightness slithered its way into her chest at the familiarity of it all — the uncomfortable combination of waking with a throbbing in her head and the inability to move freely feeling painfully reminiscent of her time with Kate Argent.

When she took a shaky breath, the smell that met her nose was rank, like that of filth and rotting food. She shoved at the weight pinning her arm down and there was a quiet groan in response. Just as she managed to pull herself free, her sluggish mind seemed to catch up with the situation all at once and her heart began to thump rapidly in her chest with worry instead of fear.

"Stiles?" She asked frantically, reaching out in the black void toward the boy beside her. She located his hands and arms relatively quickly and followed their path upward until she held his head softly in her hands, "Oh, god. Stiles, are you okay?"

She traced over his face with a gentle but shaky brush of her fingers, trying to locate the place where she remembered Erica had bashed him in the head with the car part she'd torn from the Jeep. Amber's fingertips found a small bump at the edge of his hairline over his forehead and she prodded the wound softly.

"Ow." Stiles groaned in complaint.

Her heart stuttered in relief at the conscious sound from the his lips.

"Sti?" She asked again. She reached toward his shoulder and cupped her other hand at the back of his neck supportively as she tried to pull him into an upright position, "Are you okay?"

He groaned again and lifted his own hand up to his throbbing head as he sat up, "Ugh. That bitch."

He grabbed Amber gently by her elbow and dragged them to their feet, throwing open the lid of the dumpster they'd evidently been tossed inside of. The sudden brightness from the streetlight in the alleyway had Amber squinting with a wince as her head throbbed. She brought a hand up automatically to where she'd been hit, fingers brushing the tender spot a few inches above her ear. Stiles caught sight of the movement in the corner of his eye and turned to her with a frown.

"Wh- Did she hit you too?" He asked quickly, gently moving her hand out of the way so he that could feel the bump on the side of her head.

"Well, yeah. I like you an awful lot, Sti, but I wasn't just hanging out in the dumpster while you slept," She grumbled, taking another slow breath and nearly retching at the smell of the trash under their feet, "Oh, god. It smells so bad in here."

Selenophiles Vol. II  ☾ Stiles Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now