Chapter Nine - Party Guessed

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Sleep had only managed to claim her a little over an hour before, but sprawled in bed on her belly, Amber found herself stirring, head emerging from beneath her pillow to cast her sleep-bleary gaze to the headboard above her. With heavy eyelids that drooped with slow blinks, she attempted to process what had woken her so suddenly, but her face buried back into the all-too inviting cushion of the pillow after only a fleeting moment of muddled confusion, curiosity quick to surrender to drowsiness beneath the comforting blanket of darkness in her bedroom.

It was only a few seconds later that she was startled by a loud thump against the window a few feet away. The noise had her pushing back up from her pillow so quick it nearly made her drowsy head spin. The slam was followed nearly immediately by a quiet squelch of something dragging down the surface of the glass and after that came a low grunt of pain.

Her sleepy mind raced with fear-fueled possibilities, heart thundering in her chest. She rolled from the bed just in time to see the window slide open and a shadowed body fall to the floor. The familiarity of the mess of flailing limbs crashing to the ground settled her fear nearly instantly, her feet dragging herself a bit closer without thought.

"Stiles?" His name spilled past her lips in a quiet murmur, voice softened with sleep as she rubbed at tired eyes and watched the intruder scramble to his feet.

"Sorry. Shit, sorry. Did I wake you up?" He asked immediately, already toeing off his sneakers and brushing himself off though there was no real reason to do so.

She spoke around a yawn, "Was waking me not your intention?" A shiver wracked her body as a cool breeze curled around them from outside, "Because if not, I think breaking into the house through my second-story bedroom window might've been the wrong call."

"All the windows downstairs were locked," Stiles said in way of explanation as he snatched her laptop from her desk. He plopped down atop the mess of blankets where she'd been peacefully sleeping just a few minutes before and he began searching for something in the carefully organized files on her computer as he continued, "Tried calling you first but you didn't answer, so.. Yeah. Once I realized all the windows on the first floor were locked, I grabbed the ladder from the garage and tried yours."

She blinked throughout his rambled explanation with sleep-heavy eyes. Slipping into the bed behind him, movements slowed with exhaustion, she dropped her head to rest against his shoulder blades and allowed her eyes to slip closed.

"-You guys should really lock your garage up at night, y'know." Stiles continued without pause, absentmindedly reaching out to pat one of the knees she had bracketing his sides while he continued to click around on her laptop in search.

"Mhm," She mumbled against his back, "Noted."

"Almost fell off the freakin' ladder trying to push your window open, too. Gonna have a, uh.." There was a brief pause, "A sick.." Another pause. "Bruise." Another pause. "On my, uh.. Mm." His words simply faded out in distraction as he seemingly found what he was looking for and his focus shifted.

She accepted his half finished statement as a complete thought, understanding where he'd been going with it regardless.

"'m sorry, babe," Her arms slipped around his waist and she nuzzled her face into the space between his shoulder blades, "Need a key, huh? I'll get'chu one." She promised in a soft murmur, words buried beneath a deep yawn.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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