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S.T.A.R. Labs, Barry just exited Clifford Devoe's mind and saved Ralph. "Powers back online everywhere." Cisco tells the team as power comes back to the entire city and they stopped Clifford's plan the Enlightenment. "Now the world can finally get back to normal?" Eddie asks him.

"Well, what the normal is nowadays at least." Harry informs Eddie as a portal appears in front of them and they see a Thinker hologram. "Another use of mr. Decon's Powers." Devoe informs them as he starts messing with their computers. "Technological reincarnation." Clifford explains.

"Cisco?" Barry asks his friend. "He's taken over." Cisco says as he can't get into the computers. Marlize Devoe, Clifford's wife who turned against him to stop his plan, walks towards the chair. "I told you that the Enlightenment will come for you, Marlize, and it will. Remember, I thought of everything." Clifford states to all of them. "Even this moment."

Marlize starts tearing up as she knows what she has to do. "Goodbye, my love." She says and takes the power source to the chair out and it kills holographic Devoe.

The computers start going off and Cisco takes a look and they have control back in the computers. "We're back online. But not just that." Caitlin states as Cisco sees one of Clifford's satellites are heading down.

"Satellite's in a decaying orbit."Harry also sees it. "Wait, so Marlize killing him triggered a real dead man switch?" Ralph asks them. "It's falling fast." Barry states to them.

"Clifford must've increased its mass by a thousand-fold." Marlize explains to them. "The impact of something that heavy and that fast could destroy the city on impact." Caitlin states to them. "How much time is there left?" Iris asks the scientists.

"Maybe 3 minuets If we're lucky." Cisco explains to them. "Okay, hoe can you stop something that's gonna send us back to the Stone Age?" Eddie asks the team. "We better spread the word to get an evacuation." Joe states as he and Eddie leave.

"Okay, Ralph, Cisco, Caitlin, you guys go and clear the impact zone." Barry says and they het ready to protect people. "What are you gonna do?" Caitlin asks Barry. "I'm gonna go destroy a satellite." Barry states and runs.

Outside, the city is being destroyed by debris falling from the satellite. People are running around in fear for, the falling fire debris. One group are stuck in a car when Barry speeds in and saves them before it got destroyed.

Cisco and Ralph come in and Cisco opens a portal to stop the falling debris from killing someone. Ralph stretches out and grabs people who are trapped under rubble. Frost comes in and blasts debris to stop its momentum from crushing anyone. Barry speeds in and sees the biggest debris falling and quickly speeds off.

At S.T.A.R. labs, Iris and Marlize are there and see Barry running. "What's he doing?" Marlize asks Iris. "My guess, he's gonna use a sonic punch to destroy the satellite." Iris guesses to Marlize. "Given the strength and trajectory of the satellite, what's prevents it from destroying him?" Marlize asks her.

Outside, Barry is running and building up speed to destroy the satellite. He states breaking the sound barrier and runs up the side of a building and speeds up at the satellite. Suddenly, as soon as he's about to hit the satellite, it gets destroyed and vaporizes into the air.

Barry speeds down and looks in shock that no remaining part of the satellite is around. People start cheering for him and Barry is confused on who destroyed the satellite if it wasn't him.

Cisco and Ralph walk into an alley to open a breach away from people as Frost makes her own why back. "Well, that was fun. Let's never do it again." Ralph states to Cisco when they hear something in the alley.

"What was that?" Ralph asks as he looks around. They see something scurry in the darkness and heavy breathing can be heard. "I don't like the sound of that." Cisco says when a web like substance flies out and grabs Cisco and pulls him into the darkness.
Ralph stretches to save him when a dark figure leaps out and all Ralph sees before being knocked out is a spider emblem on the figures chest.

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