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A day after destroying the satellite, Daisy and Peter are in their hotel room using Daisy's computer to look for anything that could lead them to where Mayday is by tracking the Blood Gem the man stole with her. But their limited resources is making it hard for them.

"This is a dead end, Pete." Daisy informs Peter on trying to find the Gem with a laptop.

"Then what can we do? We can't just go head on against this speedster without a location. Even Karen can't find anything related to either Brock or Otto. I tried searching the city with E.D.I.T.H. but obviously she doesn't work in another universe." Peter says to her as he's running out of ideas to locate his daughter.

"Wait, I'm actually getting something." Daisy says as Peter looks to see computer code encrypting her computer.

"That's Otto's signature code. You learn to recognize it after years. Where is it coming from?" Peter asks her.

"A place called...S.T.A.R. Labs, just outside the city limits." She tells him.

"I'll See what we know about the place." Peter tells her and activates his Iron Spider to talk to Karen. "Karen, S.T.A.R. Labs, search public records, hack into anything related." Peter informs her and he gets information.

"Okay, formerly a Particle accelerator that went off and killed countless people, previous owner was convicted for the murder of Nora Allen in 2000. Seems to be an abandoned science facility." Peter recaps for Daisy.

"Sounds like a perfect secret hideout." Daisy agrees. "So, what's the plan?" She asks him. "Okay, I'm gonna draw that Speedy Gonzales dude, keep him distracted while you sneak in and find out where she's being held and get Mayday out." Peter tells her. "Okay, sounds good to me. What about Otto?" She asks him

"Otto Octavius, Dr. Octopus vs. Daisy Johnson, Quake?" Peter asks her. "You'll wipe the floor with him, just remember that use your vibrations to weaken him." Peter tells her and she agrees to the plan.

At S.T.A.R. Labs, they're searching for the man who kidnapped Cisco and have turned up nothing. "With our satellite down, it's seriously difficult to track anyone down, let alone someone who can shoot webs out of their hands with a spider emblem." Caitlin informs the team who's trying to find him.

"Found him." Harry says to them. "Where?" Barry asks him. "He's outside." Harry tells Barry and he speeds off.

Peter is in his Iron Spider suit, waiting for someone outside the facility as Daisy finds her way inside. He didn't have to wait long until a man in red with a lightning emblem speeds out of the building. "Hello there. Nice suit. But I rock red better, pal." Peter quips at him.

Barry walks towards the strange man, slowly. "Well, I tried black, but it didn't suit me." Barry quips back at him. "Now tell me, where is she?" Peter asks Barry.

Barry thinks he's talking about Caitlin and thinks he's after his team. "What does it matter? You're not getting to her." Barry informs him as Peter leaps off of the sign. "Well, I'm not leaving without her. So you either surrender now, or I beat you." Peter informs Barry.

"I choose the latter." Barry says and speeds around and throws lightning at him. Peter didn't have enough time to react and gets thrown by the lightning against the sign and breaks it. "Okay, Karen. Start analyzing his fight pattern and get ready to counterattack." Peter informs his A.I. "Understood, boss." She tells him and Peter starts getting back up.

"Power at 400% capacity." Karen informs Peter. "Well, how about that." Peter comments on how his suit absorbed most of the energy from the lightning he threw. "Not the first time I've been hit by lightning, pal." Peter says and charges at Flash. Barry speeds at him and didn't expect Peter to flip over him and web his foot, causing him to trip and go flying.

Inside, Daisy shatters the doors and enters the labs. "This is too easy." Daisy says as she makes her way though the facility.

She exits the elevator and comes face to face with Elongated Man. "Hi there, ma'am. I think you've got the wrong floor." Ralph tells her getting ready to fight. "Really?" Daisy asks, raising her hand. "Because it looks like you're the one going down." She quips and starts quaking him and as he goes flying, he stretches out. "Great. What else you've got in here, Otto?" Daisy asks herself as she starts marching on.

Outside, Peter is swinging Barry around on his web and crashes him into the side of the building. "Whatever this stuff is, it's not gonna keep me down." Barry says as he tries phasing out of the webbing and it's impossible.

Peter tries shooting him down when Barry tries speeding off and when the web reaches the end, he uses it to pull himself back and slams into Peter and he tries to dodge the hit but is too late and slams into Peter's chest and sends him down the road.

Inside, Daisy makes it to the cortex and sees nobody, until a blast of cold hits her backwards. She looks up to see a woman with snow white hair, blue eyes and her hands raised ready to fight.

"Okay, he deals with Speedy, I deal with Elsa." Daisy comments and stands back up. "Hi. I'm looking-" Daisy couldn't finish her though when Frost throws her though the glass.

"Okay, no talking." Daisy says and quakes her back into the wall. Frost looks to her in shock. "Wait, you're the one who destroyed that satellite, aren't you?" Frost asks her. "Yeah, why?" Daisy asks her. "Your friend is looking for someone, isn't he?" Frost asks Daisy.

"Yeah, the person your guy kidnapped." Daisy says coldly. "It wasn't us. We're looking for someone who was taken by someone with a spider emblem." Frost informs Daisy and she knows who she's talking about. Venom.

Outside, Barry and Peter are evenly matched, Barry's speed against Peter agility and six sense giving them both an upper hand. They begin charging at each other again when the ground in front of them gets shattered. They look to see Daisy and Caitlin. "Peter, these guys aren't who we're after. They're victims, too." Daisy tells Peter.

Peter retracts his mask to her. "What? There someone else with a lightning emblem?" Peter asks her. "Wait...was his suit yellow?" Barry asks Peter. "Miles did say he was dressed in red." Daisy states and they look in shock.

Inside the Pipeline, Thawne's lab is back in its secret location and they're getting their weapon ready. "Is it complete?" Thawne asks Cisco as he's working on the machine to avoid death. "Yes." He says as a canister is bonded with Venom and mayday's DNA and it comes red and alive. "I give you... The ultimate killing machine." Otto informs Thawne.

"Let's see If it lives up to expectations." Thawne says and give the canister to Eddie. Eddie gets bonded with the Symbiote and Mayday and Cisco look in shock as Eddie grows twice his size and a mixture of black and Red consume him. "That looks like Venom and Carnage got blended together." Mayday tells Cisco. "And those two aren't a good combination." She says in fear.

Eddie screams as the process is complete. He stands up and they see spikes, sharper teeth, the deadliest combination of creature to ever exist.

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