Surprise, surprise,
You’re not where your lies thought you’d lie at this time.
They’ve pulled you back and forth and up and down,
The waves you thought that you had drowned.
At first, you paid, then learned your way
That happiness could later be found
In help,
In hugs and smiles and open arms
But you had to open first.
Forgiveness. Time. No little white lies.
You said ‘little is little,’
but wildfires spread to disaster, do they not?Surprise, surprise,
That was what you said when you turned
As youth said the year would never come,
But here it came and popped off some.
Do you not dread that sight of change?
No. Been there, done that.
You’re comfortable in a cage.Surprise, surprise,
You’re sometimes sad, mad, but very little glad.
You do get lonely a time or two
But never express it to anyone who
May pity you
Or shun you
Or question your whereabouts.
Please just accept we all have different stories
And end on different roads and I'll be on my way
Back in the stormy drought.