guy takes things to literally

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1. Friend: "Let's start a fight club."
Literal Guy: *Starts digging a hole in the ground to create an underground fight club.*

2. Friend: "Let's go paint the town red."
Literal Guy: *Goes to the paint store and buys gallons of red paint to paint the town red.*

3. Friend: "I'm going to run some errands."
Literal Guy: *Starts running around the neighborhood with a basket, picking up and delivering groceries for people.*

4. Friend: "I'm going to take a shot in the dark."
Literal Guy: *Grabs a flashlight and shoots it into the air.*

5. Friend: "Let's go catch some waves."
Literal Guy: *Puts on a catcher's mitt and heads to the beach.*

6. Friend: "I'm going to go out on a limb."
Literal Guy: *Climbs a tree and stands on a branch.*

7. Friend: "I'm going to go take a nap."
Literal Guy: *Goes to the hardware store to buy a net to take a nap in.*

8. Friend: "Let's go hit the road."
Literal Guy: *Grabs a baseball bat and starts hitting the pavement.*

9. Friend: "I'm going to go jump ship."
Literal Guy: *Jumps off a dock into the water.*

10. Friend: "Let's go break the ice."
Literal Guy: *Starts smashing ice cubes with a hammer.*

11. Friend: "I'm going to go raise the bar."
Literal Guy: *Gets a ladder and starts raising a physical bar up in the air.*

12. Friend: "Let's go shoot for the moon."
Literal Guy: *Goes to a gun store and starts shooting targets with a moon drawn on them.*

13. Friend: "I'm going to go burn some rubber."
Literal Guy: *Goes to a tire store and starts burning rubber on the floor.*

14. Friend: "Let's go make a splash."
Literal Guy: *Jumps into a pool and starts making splashes with their hands.*

15. Friend: "I'm going to go break a leg."
Literal Guy: *Goes to a hospital and asks to have their leg broken.*

16. Friend: "Let's go raise some hell."
Literal Guy: *Starts digging a hole to literally raise the underworld.*

17. Friend: "I'm going to go knock their socks off."
Literal Guy: *Starts trying to physically knock socks off of people's feet.*

18. Friend: "Let's go burn the midnight oil."
Literal Guy: *Goes to a convenience store and starts burning candles at midnight.*

19. Friend: "I'm going to go kick the bucket."
Literal Guy: *Kicks an actual bucket.*

20. Friend: "Let's go take a stab at it."
Literal Guy: *Goes to a knife store and starts stabbing random objects.*

21. Friend: "I'm going to go hit the jackpot."
Literal Guy: *Goes to a casino and literally starts hitting slot machines.*

22. Friend: "Let's go break the bank."
Literal Guy: *Starts trying to break an actual bank building.*

23. Friend: "I'm going to go make a killing."
Literal Guy: *Starts making animal noises to literally kill animals.*

24. Friend: "Let's go stir the pot."
Literal Guy: *Starts stirring a pot of actual food.*

25. Friend: "I'm going to go bend over backwards."
Literal Guy: *Starts doing actual acrobatics and bending over backwards.*

26. Friend: "Let's go throw caution to the wind."
Literal Guy: *Goes outside and starts throwing caution signs into the wind.

27. Friend: "I'm going to go put my foot in my mouth."
Literal Guy: *Tries to physically put their foot in their mouth.*

28. Friend: "Let's go run circles around them."
Literal Guy: *Starts running in circles around their friends.*

29. Friend: "I'm going to go beat a dead horse."
Literal Guy: *Starts hitting a toy horse with a stick.*

30. Friend: "Let's go chase our tails."
Literal Guy: *Starts spinning around in circles trying to chase their own tail.*

31. Friend: "I'm going to go get a second wind."
Literal Guy: *Goes outside and tries to catch the wind with a net.*

32. Friend: "Let's go take a leap of faith."
Literal Guy: *Jumps off a high dive board with their eyes closed.*

33. Friend: "I'm going to go paint myself into a corner."
Literal Guy: *Gets a bucket of paint and literally paints themselves into a corner.*

34. Friend: "Let's go make some waves."
Literal Guy: *Starts making ocean waves in a pool with their hands.*

35. Friend: "I'm going to go break the mold."
Literal Guy: *Starts physically breaking a mold with a hammer.*

36. Friend: "Let's go take the bull by the horns."
Literal Guy: *Goes to a farm and starts grabbing bulls by their horns.*

37. Friend: "I'm going to go cut to the chase."
Literal Guy: *Starts cutting actual chases in a lawn.*

38. Friend: "Let's go take the plunge."
Literal Guy: *Jumps into a pool and tries to literally take a physical plunge.*

39. Friend: "I'm going to go let the cat out of the bag."
Literal Guy: *Starts letting actual cats out of actual bags.*

40. Friend: "Let's go bite the bullet."
Literal Guy: *Bites an actual bullet.*

41. Friend: "I'm going to go give it my best shot."
Literal Guy: *Goes to a shooting range and starts shooting targets.*

42. Friend: "Let's go blow off some steam."
Literal Guy: *Starts blowing steam off of actual steam machines.*

43. Friend: "I'm going to go take the road less traveled."
Literal Guy: *Starts walking on actual grass rather than the sidewalk.*

44. Friend: "Let's go get a taste of our own medicine."
Literal Guy: *Goes to a medicine store and literally tries medicine.*

45. Friend: "I'm going to go break the ice."
Literal Guy: *Starts physically breaking ice cubes.*

46. Friend: "Let's go take a walk on the wild side."
Literal Guy: *Goes to a zoo and literally starts walking with wild animals.*

47. Friend: "I'm going to go let off some steam."
Literal Guy: *Goes to a sauna and literally starts letting steam off.*

48. Friend: "Let's go take the bull by the horns."
Literal Guy: *Goes to a rodeo and tries to grab the bull by its horns.*

49. Friend: "I'm going to go take it one step at a time."
Literal Guy: *Starts taking literal steps up a staircase.*

50. Friend: "Let's go take a shot in the dark."
Literal Guy: *Starts shooting random objects with a flashlight in the dark.*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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