i feel so weak, so tired, and so so so hungry

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Katsuki was asleep as usual when hanako knocked on the door. She knocked a few times. Katsuki didn't answer. Usually that meant he was feeling so tired hed sleep for days. Hanako came in and said "katsu please wake up pleaseeee wake upppp"

Katsuki woke up and he was like "but hanako im so tired why do you want me to wake up?" and hanako responded with "because the mansion is on fucking fire!!im sorry for cussing but it's really important that we get out"

🖤: "I want to burn. Maybe in the afterlife I won't feel weak or hungry like this anymore."
💜: "katsuki now rlly isn't the time..."
🖤: "im sorry...but can I have 5 minutes?"
💜: "the house won't wait 5 minutes to burn"
💜: "fine ill let you stay in bed but if the fire gets in here-"
🖤: "if the fire gets in here im screwed"
💜: "why so pessimistic katsu?"
🖤: "i don't really know...im out"
And katsuki went back to bed. The house didnt burn, and Katsuki slept for 8 hours - that is, after sleeping for 31. Hanako worried abt her brother. He was 5'3" (160cm) and 10 lbs (4kg). Thats like a bmi of 0.9 , basically what I'm saying if u didn't catch on is KATSUKI IS DEADLY UNDERWEIGHT (shocking ikr) so hanako worried abt him bc he could literally die any second. And she also worried bc katsuki slept so much. This was because since he was starving himself he was constantly feeling tired. So he slept. And slept. And slept. And then, he wouldn't sleep for days. The stuff he would do when not sleeping was sad sometimes. Like once at 3am, Katsuki found some sushi. Just the sight of it made him even hungrier than he already was. And he tried to eat. He really tried. But he couldn't do it. He was sad, because he had really wanted to eat that sushi. Katsuki was nervous to tell Hanako about this, but when he did, she wasn't mad that he didn't eat. She was proud because he tried. But yes, she did worry. A lot.
"Katsu sleeps so much to make up for his hunger. And that is just sad, which makes sense because he is sad. And I worry that he might die in his sleep and I wouldn't know because he sleeps so much. That scares me. But what scares me more is the fact that Katsuki is just...suffering. He's got depression, anxiety, survivors guilt, and don't even get me started on the fact that he starves himself AND THEN PROCEEDS TO TORTURE HIMSELF BY LOOKING UP HIS FAVORITE FOODS AND JUST... STARING AT THEM?? And honestly that scares me more than anything."
(Back to the story)
Katsuki woke up and suddenly loved his body. And even though it's good to love your body, these are his exact words and definetly not smthn out of a yt subliminal affs:
"Oh my God, I'm so skinny! When I lift my shirt I can see my ribcage~ so amazing~ and my hands are so slim! My arms, my legs, my whole body is practically weightless! I love seeing my bones~ I'm a skinny legend! AND I NEED TO BECOME SKINNIER. 10LBS ISN'T IMPRESSIVE IF I CAN WEIGH 2LBS. 2 ISN'T IMPRESSIVE IF I CAN WEIGH -2!! AND -2 ISN'T IMPRESSIVE IF I CAN WEIGH -4! I NEED MY WEIGHT TO BE SO LOW THAT WHEN I STEP ON A SCALE IT SAYS 'ERROR: YOU WEIGH LESS THAN NOTHING SLAY SKINNY KING' . And if I want to weigh that little I'll be a skeleton. Shit, I already am a skeleton. I'm so skinny it's sickening. I need to gain weight and be normal. But if I do..."
He continued these thoughts. went from loving himself to hating himself to wanting to get better but not wanting to. This happened often. Katsuki started watching youtube, but you don't get to find out what happens until next chapter, "food ads are torture for me"

omg im so hungry - katsuki starves himself (tw ed) Where stories live. Discover now