Chapter 1/2

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Dabi opened his eyes as he immediately stood up noticing he was no longer in the alley. As he scoffed, "Must of been a rogue quirk that teleported me here" He mumbled.

Dabi heard his siblings starting to wake up, as he immediately started running hoping to find somewhere to leave this place.

Shoto opened his eyes as he used his quirk creating an ice wall tall enough to block Dabi. Dabi let out a frustrated sigh as he turned around. "You're not gonna leave us here are you?" Shoto asked in monotone.

Fuyumi and Natsou were both standing near his side, as Dabi shrugged. "I'm sure you'll be able to find a way out. But until then- Dabi flashed a smirk as he used his quirk allowing him to fly in the air.

Dabi launched himself into the air to see if he could find somewhere to go, But frowned even further, seeing nothing but sand and the cool water from below, especially his siblings as he let out a frustrated yell, as he lowered himself back to the ground.

"Nice of you to join us," Natsou said, with an amused expression as he looked at Dabi crossed his arms as he muttered something, before seeing some weird glow coming from the three.

"Why are you glowing?" Dabi asked as he pointed at them. The three of them looked at him confused till they noticed a weird glow radiating off him as well, "It's coming from my hand?" Natsou held up his hand showing it to his siblings as the number 380 was written on his palm.

"I got number 218. What about you Fuyumi?" Shoto asked while not taking his eyes off his. "115.. But what does this even mean? Are we being tracked or something?... Touya-Dabi, show me your number" Fuyumi demanded sternly.

Dabi hesitated for a moment before he looked away as he held his left hand up. The number revealed 580.

~"My oh my.. Seems like you four are having trouble adjusting to the situation you have here" A feminine voice spoke. The four siblings were about to look in a different direction to find the person until a loud cough came from below them.

"Down here please" The cat spoke politely. The four looked at each other with confused glances. As the cat looked at them with a confused look. "You four seem pretty chill considering the fact I am a 'Talking cat'" She said, feeling disappointed at their reactions.

Shoto crouched down to her. "I'm sorry we offended you. In our world some people have animal quirks but it's the first time we've ever seen a full talking cat" Shoto apologized. The cat smiled softly as she used her paw patting the boy's leg. "Well, aren't you polite."

"Can we get back to what you were trying to say earlier? Or do you know what these numbers mean?" Dabi interrupted harshly. The cat rolled her eyes, not impressed. "I don't get paid enough for this" She mumbled. 

The cat walked towards a nearby small mountain as Shoto stood up. "I suppose you're probably wondering where you are and why you have those numbers, am I correct?"

The four of them nodded slightly. "Well then for starters those numbers are a part of your emotions or an emotional timer. When your number goes to 0 a door will appear sending you all back where you came from. As for where you are, All of you are in Tropical car"

"How do we get these numbers to zero?" Natsou asked. The cat grinned. "You get them down by learning about yourself or pushing past your old differences that you used to do." She paused for a dramatic effect.

"So basically we're in therapy.." Dabi mumbled under his breath.

"But whatever he did must have been really bad considering he has a higher number than any of you" She chuckled, noticing his number as Dabi sharply glared at her.

Fuyumi sighs as she looks back at the cat. "So where do you begin to get these numbers down?" The cat shrugged. "You'll figure that out all in time. However i can tell you if you want to leave this car there's a door to my right every car on the train has one"

"Thank you um..-"Samatha. Samantha the cat" she added. Fuyumi smiled as she introduced herself and her brothers. "Fuyumi. And these are my brothers Natsou, Shoto, Toy- a loud cough came suddenly from Dabi as he glared. "Dabi"

"Well then, I wish you four good luck on your journey! you're gonna need it.." She mumbled the last part under her breath, as she watched the four of them leave the car.

The Moment they left the beach car, they were stunned to see Nothing but a desert type- waste land along with a dusty orange sky.

 Large wheels just below the platform could be heard turning from a distance as it snapped them out of there trance.

"We really are on the train.." Shoto mumbled in shock as there was nothing else but dry grass and alien-like insects.

Dabi stretched his arms. "Well now since we know what we have to do. I bid you three farewell" Dabi walking onto the platform. -"You're not seriously gonna leave us are you?" Natsou asked curiously while getting on the platform as well.

Dabi shrugged, "Why not? I see no reason for all of us to-


Dabi was interrupted by a loud scream coming from below the train wheels as a person screamed as the bug started to suck the life outta him turning him to dust. 

The four of them watched with their eyes wide in fear, as the bug simply flew away.

Dabi watched with wide eyes, as he deeply sighed trying to remain calm before looking at the three. "Okay you guys can follow me, but I'm in charge got it?"

Shoto crossed his arms. "No way am i taking orders from a villain especially one who nearly got my friends killed"

Fuyumi and Natsou both looked at Shoto in shock then glanced back at their older brother, who sigh in frustration. "I didn't actually kill them! You know! It was shigaraki that almost did it!" He yelled in defense.

-"Yeah, But you were still part of the villain league," Shoto smirked. As the two of them were getting into a silly argument seeing who was the best to lead, they were each completely oblivious as a bug buzzed loudly flying towards them.

"Look, we can argue about this later! Right now we have to take cover!" Fuyumi yelled as the bug was rapidly flying down to them.

The four of them were running across the platform trying to make it to the door. Fuyumi was about to open it when a familiar scream was heard from behind.

Shoto was halfway off the rails, his body on the ground struggling as the bug let out a maniac shriek about to suck his life away as Shoto watched with his eyes glued in fear preparing for the worst.

Dabi immediately ran towards him, firing fireballs of hot blue fire at the creature in the process, the creature screeched loudly. Before flying away again.

Shoto stared at him with wide eyes but was forcefully pulled up by Dabi as they were running back to the door. "-..Why did you save me?" Shoto questioned as they were both running. Dabi looked at him with a confused complex expression. 

"Did you really think I was just gonna allow you to die like that?" he paused,"Besides, I hate endeavor more than you so I wouldn't allow it" Dabi said seriously as they approached the door.

Shoto genuinely smiled, Both of them unaware that their Numbers went down a little.

If the todoroki siblings were in Infinity trainWhere stories live. Discover now