The game show car

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Natsuo and Fuyumi both sigh with relief as they arrive. "Now since that nightmare is over how about i open the door" Fuyumi suggested as she took sides turning it.

"What do you think could be waiting for us here?" Natsuo said, to no one in particular, watching Fuyumi turn it

Maybe it's an endless supply of soba," Shoto mumbled daydreaming. Natsuo laughed as he ruffled his brother's head. "You must really enjoy that stuff huh" He teased.

As she opened the door as the four of them slowly entered before the door closed shut behind them. The car was completely dark for a few minutes before a bright hard light came on shining on the four of them.

-"Well well! Look what we have here! Four contestants ready to play....

-"GUESS THAT RIDDLE!" That anonymous dark crowd shouted.

-"I'm out." Dabi was about to leave but Fuyumi and Natsuo both grabbed the ends of his jacket. Forcing him to stay.

"Is this supposed to be a game show?" Shoto asked, to no one as a Tall man appeared walking towards them.

"You are correct! Now. There's only 1 minute left before we begin so hurry up and pick a partner you wish to compete with" He explained before leaving, He was a Tall slender dezien, wearing a yellow top hat along with a dark blue tuxedo that had yellow tips at the end, completing the look.

"Hey Toya wanna team up?" Fuyumi asked with hopeful eyes. Fuyumi sighed, noticing how he simply ignored her pretending to walk away as she whispered into his ear. "If we win you can beat Shoto and Natsuo '' she said with a grin.

Dabi looked at her directly as he shrugged his shoulders, "Alright. But as long you call me Dabi instead of my own name"

Fuyumi smiled widely as she mentally started screaming in joy in her head.

Natsuo suspiciously looked at Dabi and Fuyumi who were talking, as he whispered something to Shoto.

"Are you sure about us teaming? I'm not exactly good at questions" Shoto whispered a stoic expression doubting their chance of winning. Natsuo shrugged, "Shoto thought over it carefully before he smiled, "Sure"

'Maybe this won't be so bad' Shoto thought, as Natsuo already was listing over a few possible questions.

Before they could get any further the lights that were above them came up as the Host clapped his hands.

"Please follow me and I will lead you four to the booths." As the host was leading them the car began to light up even more, coming alive as the dark shadows were within the crowd of the audience along with two sides. One blue booth for 1 team and the other red.

"Midoriya would be so jealous when I get back from school. Of course I won't mention Dabi" Shoto thought with a smirk.

The host grabbed his microphone as he spun around dramatically pointing at the four. "Let's get to know our contestants a little better! Please tell us each your name one at a time so we can begin!" He yelled cheerfully.

Fuyumi from the red team waved at the camera that appeared. "Hello! I'm Fuyumi and i'm excited to be here" The camera panned over to Dabi, "Dabi" He said with a small wave, before The camera flew off to the blue booth as Natsuo spoke.

<"Natsuo and i'm happy to be here" Once he was done speaking, The camera panned over to Shoto, "Shoto" He stated monotone.

The host faked a cough into his arm as he grabbed his Microphone. "Now then since you four are in your proper spots are we ready to begin?"

If the todoroki siblings were in Infinity trainWhere stories live. Discover now