Garroth - The big reveal

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Garroth had just returned from the ice cream villages, saying the name of a "Laurence *mumble mumble* thinks he can *mumble*" 

"Ah, welcome back sir Garroth!" I spoke out to him from the starting of the docks.

"Hello, Lady Y/N. How are you doing today?" Garroth stepped off the ship he had taken to the , villages. Stretching out his arms and taking slow steps to where I was standing. 

"Did you find Lady Aphmau while you were out?" (DONT QUOTE ME ON THIS I DONT REMEMBER THE EXACT WAY THAT THINGS WENT DOWNN :( ) 

"Yes, a certain someone almost beat me to it. You probably know of him since you grew up near those parts." Garroth spoke, slowly getting more agitated towards the person he spoke about. Which left me to realize the one man he could be talking about. 


"The "HeAd" guard." Garroth spoke in a mocking tone, "Why would a head guard flirt with a lord of not even his own village? And who is he to call her "his love", that damn flirt needs to stay away from her." 

For some reason, I could feel my heart break into a small piece for how concerned Garroth was for Aphmau. It was obvious he had feelings for her, but it was also obvious I had feelings for him, so why did he never notice?

"I'm sure lady Aphmau will be able to protect herself from any flirts that come her way." I spoke with my calm manner, staying neutral when 'she' is the topic of our every conversation. 

"I suppose you are correct." Garroth started walking past me, "Thank you for greeting me, but I must go check on Levin now to make sure he is alright." 

Once again, Garroth left me behind him, as he always does.


Garroth POV:

I had decided to take a small nap in the guard tower while Dale promised to watch over Lord Aphmau's house. I wish I hadn't. When I woke up, the guard tower was quiet, far too quiet for the normal amount of guards and Brendan that train here. I stuck my head outside the door of the balcony, and saw it. Lady Aphmau's house being destroyed by the one I thought of as my own brother.

I didn't bother using the ladder, and jumped off the balcony, quickly recovering my balance and sprinting towards the house on the hill. When I arrived, Y/N was holding back Zenix from the basement, must have been where Levin and Zoey were, but she couldn't hold him back forever. I sprinted forwards just in time to stop Zenix from throwing her down the basement steps. I pulled her to the side and began a fight with Zenix on my own. Dale and Y/N were set right besides me, while Zoey kept barrier magicks to the basement. 

"Zenix! Please! Why are you acting like this? What's gotten into you!" I tried reaching him, but his eyes told me nobody could reach him now. They were pale red, and were horribly terrifying. I prepared myself to have to kill Zenix when suddenly, he striked me to the head and my helmet fell off. The one thing I was trying to keep secret. Y/N probably recognized me almost immediately and quickly came to my aid, knocking Zenix off his feet as he was distracted by me. Zenix quickly dissapeared into nothing, and Dale ran downstairs to see if everything was okay with Levin and Zoey.

"Garroth.. You're.. Garroth Ro'meave.." She sounded shocked, but also had a tint of happiness in her voice. I guess knowing that a "prince" wasn't dead was good. 

"Please. Wait for Lady Aphmau to return, I'll be down in the mines trying to fix my helm." I began to walk away from Y/N, and she allowed me too. It was then that I noticed the house wasnt the only thing that had been destroyed, but some of the village was a mess too. Luckily, nobody else noticed I was without a helm.



After making sure that everything in the village was alright, I headed down to the Mines, where Garroth said he would be. I spoke with the guard that was mining stone to repair the plaza, when I turned around to see Garroth sitting on the floor, his helm next to his side, and his knees squeezed up to his chest.

"You're gonna hurt your back if you sit like that." I spoke out, making my presence known as to not startle him when I sat down next to him.

"I thought I told you to watch for Lady Aphmau." 

"I left Dale to that." 

"Just like I left Dale to defend the place." It was then that Garroth noticed the scratches on my hand and the bruises on my face. "Did.. Zenix do this to you?" He spoke, rubbing his hand against my cuts. 

"Yes, I tried my hardest to defend the basement until Zoey could get the barrier up. I think I actually put up a good fight."

"I am so sorry Lady Y/N. If I had known these injuries would bestow upon you, I would have never left my post." He spoke, kissing the main cut in the center of my hand.

"Well, aren't you getting daring with your moves." I chuckled out, leaving a flustered Garroth on the other end of my words.

"My apologies, Lady Y/N"

"You can just call me Y/N Garroth. No need to be so formal around me."


"Y/N... Do you have feelings for me?" He spoke out, still holding onto my hand, but keeping his eyes away from mine.

"Well.. Yes, I do." I replied to his question honestly, with a small tint of blush on my face. "It is alright if you do not return these feelings, sir Garroth. I just wish you would remember this before you bring up Lady Aphmau in my presence." I spoke with my head facing down to the ground now as well. His hand was slowly gripping onto my finger even tighter. 

We shared a moment of silence before he broke it with a sharp intake. "May I kiss you, Y/N?" 

"You may." 

He leaned in close and kissed me, soft and sweet. His lips were smooth, and tasted like strawberries against my own. We stayed in this position, foreheads touching and hands  clasped together for who knows how long. 

"By the way, sir Garroth. I think I like you without the helm better." I whispered to him, with a return of chuckles. 




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