Our Twisted Fate

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   This is an a/b/o AU with dark!Omega Nat and Alpha Reader 💖 

Warnings for : violence/blood

❗Reader has a penis 

Clint brings her to a meeting room in SHIELD headquarters per Furys request. The gruff man had somehow accepted her into his fold, allowing her to be teamed up with Clint under his handler Coulson. And that meant she had to meet the few other agents the man was training with Clints help.

Most scoffed at her. Not only was she an outsider, but she's ex KGB. She shouldn't be here and she certainly wasn't a trustworthy ally. It made her feel like even more of an outsider. Like she really was the monster Dreykov made her to be.

But then her eyes met your y/e/c ones and you smile at her, and she feels a sense of peace wash over her. It's foreign to her, not feeling like she needs to have her guard up to someone new. But those Omega instincts the Red Room tried to bury, they tell her to let you in. And though her mind struggles against its conditioning she tries her best to listen to them

"Hi Natasha, I'm Y/n." you greet, holding your hand out to her

She briefly hesitates, but as soon as her hand makes contact with yours she feels it. It's like a magnetic pull. She's never felt anything like it before, which causes curiosity to bubble within her. And when she looks into your eyes she can tell you feel it too.

"Y/n here usually gets paired to work with me on missions, and since you will now too, I'm sure the two of you will be spending a lot of time together from now on" Clint says, oblivious to the connection the two of you are feeling.

Her mouth twitches ever so slightly into a smirk, "Nice to meet you Y/n. Looking forward to working with you"


Look here" you instruct, gently tilting her chin up so her gaze meets ours

Butterflies erupt in her stomach at the feeling of your touch and instinctively she leans in as you look over the cut above her left eyebrow. The intensity of your gaze has her not even questioning you as you open the first aid kit on the seat next to her and gather the necessary supplies.

Though she's not used to someone other than herself caring for any injuries she sits compliant as you tend to her wound, first cleaning it before bandaging it appropriately and you thank her for letting you care for her by tucking a stray hair behind her ear.

"There, much better" you announce with a smile, happy she's no longer bleeding

She reciprocates the smile as soon as you take the seat next to her, and only then does she let herself relax into the less than uncomfortable seat, "Thank you"

It was so soft you doubt you would have heard it if you weren't right next to her, "You're welcome, Omega"

She blushes at the title, it wasn't used in the Red Room to address them as using a title is a sign of respect. Something which is still foreign to her even now in this new place she calls home.

A few of the other new recruits on the quinjet notice her unusual behavior, but none are stupid enough to say anything out loud about it. Especially so when you're giving a death glare to anyone that even looks at the Omega.


"Hey, sorry I'm late. I had to catch up on some paperwork before Fury came after me" you tell the redhead as you take the seat across from her

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