Part 7

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They had to return to the ship around 4:30 in the afternoon so they could get ready to sail to their next port for the following day. Jisung and Minho had spent the better part of the day essentially 7th and 8th wheeling the other couples on the island. Minho went straight to their room to shower but Jisung walked slowly chatting with Jeongin and Chan. "Sooo... How did it go today? I saw you guys talking to each other a bit." Chan asked Jisung. "I don't know how you could see anything with Jeongin sucking your face off all day." Jisung said. "You know nothing is stopping you from sucking Minho's face if you want to, or you could at least try to. Why are you holding back with him? You are usually really bold with guys." Jeongin said. Jisung didn't really have a good excuse. One thing was the bet his pride wouldn't allow him to lose. Another thing was just Minho, he seemed so disinterested in anything real with him and as much as Jisung tried to act like a confident player, deep down he wanted to be loved. He wanted what his friends had and he didn't see Minho wanting that, at least not with him. "He's annoying and he doesn't seem interested in anything serious since he told me he sleeps around a lot." Jisung said. "He said that? That he sleeps around a lot?" Chan asked with a surprised expression.

"Yeah, which is a total turn off for me." Jisung said, scrunching up his nose. Chan busted out laughing as he said "That's a good sign!" "What? I'm so confused." Jisung said. "I mean he doesn't sleep around which means he's lying and that's a good sign." Chan said. "In what world is lying a good sign?" Jisung asked. "In Minho's world. It means he's trying to get under your skin. Keep you on your toes and interested. He cares what you think and he's feeling out to see what you are into and not into." Chan replied. "But I'm not interested anymore. I do have some standards you know. And not being strung along and toyed with is kind of one of them." Jisung said, crossing his arms. "I know he can be difficult to understand at first but he's not a bad or mean guy.... He's got a lot of layers..." Chan said, struggling to explain himself. "Chan I swear to god if you start quoting Shrek to me right now I'm walking away." Jisung said holding his temples. "I'm not, I'm just saying that a lot of that attitude is a defense mechanism. It just takes a little longer for him to open up" Chan said. "I mean... I guess I'm kind of like that too..." Jisung said trailing off. "I'm not saying you have to fall in love with the guy but just give him a little bit of time. He might surprise you, maybe the two of you could be friends." Chan said as he and Jeongin walked away towards their room.

After having dinner with everyone again they all went back to their respective rooms. Jisung and Minho glanced down a hallway as they walked to their room and saw Chan pinning Jeongin against the wall next to the elevator. They were waiting for it to arrive so they could go up to their room but apparently couldn't wait as they started making out in the hallway. Chan had his hands up Jeongin's shirt and his tongue deep in his mouth. Jeongin's hands squeezed Chan's ass as he was pushed harder against the wall, and Chan trailed his wet kisses down to Jeongin's neck. Jisung and Minho quickly averted their eyes as they continued walking to their room. As soon as they got inside, Minho said "Geez those two are like animals, can't even wait till they get up to the room." "Yeah imagine living in the room next to them, it's torture." Jisung said, shaking his head. "Hmm I don't know, you seem like you would like that kind of thing." Minho said, smirking. "What kind of thing?" Jisung asked. "Listening in on them." Minho said with a devious grin. But Jisung did not find it amusing at all. "First you say I seem like an idiot and now I seem like a pervert who likes to listen in on Jeongin and Chan having sex. Geez Minho, what's next, are you going to peg me as a murderer too? Seriously, what's your problem?" Jisung said angrily. "I'm sorry." Minho said quickly. So quickly that Jisung wasn't sure he heard correctly. "What?" He asked for clarification. "I'm sorry I said that, I meant it as a joke. I don't think you are a creep or anything." Minho said, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh... well thank you for the apology... Why don't you and I just have a fresh start? I'm Jisung Han, nice to meet you." Jisung said, putting out his hand nervously. Minho looked at him skeptically before saying "Is this your way of trying to get out of the bet?" Jisung rolled his eyes but a small smile formed in the corner of his mouth as he said "Don't worry, the bet is still on. Who knows, maybe this is a part of my plan to get you to catch feelings and make the first move." "Well Jisung Han, I'm Minho Lee and you are dreaming if you think a fresh start is going to help you win." Minho said, smirking as he shook Jisung's hand. "We'll see about that." Jisung said as he pulled Minho closer by his hand. Jisung let go of his hand and walked to his side of the bed to get a change of clothes from his suitcase. Minho began to strip off his clothes, down to his boxers again as he climbed into bed. Laying out with his body on display. Jisung exhaled deeply as he tried not to look at Minho's tempting body. Minho chuckled lightly to himself at Jisung's eyes wandering around the room, clearly trying not to look in his direction. As Jisung began walking to the bathroom to change, Minho stopped him saying "I'm surprised you aren't putting on a show in front of me, you want to entice me to make the first move, yet you go and change in the restroom." "I don't do shows for free, you want to see something, you can make the first move and come to the restroom. Otherwise... eat your heart out." Jisung said, winking.

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