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"Once upon a time, there lived a woman named Medona", grandmothers in my childhood used to tell there grandchildren fairytales at night to make them fall asleep.
"Medona was as much pretty as much as she was broke and poor. And she had no family to rely on.
In old times, for a woman like Medona, the only way to earn was prostitution."
"What’s prokistution grandma" I quizzed my grandma with my puppy sparkling eyes fixed on her wrinklish cheek, looking for patterns in her wrinkles.
My grandma smiled and told me that in old times women used to spend a night with a rich man and she got paid for it.
"But Medona didn't want to earn money that way" my grandma added. "Why?"
"Because prostitution is bad"
"Ohh! Means she will be grounded for that?!"
"Ofcourse! She didn't want to be grounded so she used a trick...." the word 'trick' piqued my curiosity, "She had a special kind of herb which could manipulate just anyone and make him belief whatever she told him that it happened in reality.
In this manner Medona manipulated many men and lived at her limits peacefully. But one day she became greedy and she wanted to manipulate the king of the time in order to earn enough to live upon it the rest of her life. She was successful in doing so."
"Wow! she must have been so intelligent grandma,'' I interrupted, couldn't help my admiration to get expressed.
"Not more than you honey", my grandma brushed my hair with her trembling fingers and caressed my forehead with her palm.
"But unfortunately somehow the king found out the truth. He was very angry. His rage destroyed his own thrown and the whole kingdom. And that's how a woman turned a whole civilization down into ashes." My grandma completed.
I quizzed her again, "is it a true story grandma?"
I was seven but I could clearly make out the confusion on her face. She said, " might be true and it might be not, we never know what lies behind the realities."
I used my tiny little head and proposed my conclusion to her " I don't think it can be true grandma its just a Fairytale."
My grandma kissed on my forehead and said, "smart kid."
I smiled at the compliment widely showing my freshly shed upper incisor with giggles.

Well, lets say she was right about 'we never know what lies behind the realities.'

Human brain only accept that part of reality which can be processed by its neuronal synaptic networks.

We live in a world of lies where everyday one lie unmasks another.
By lies sometimes you might properly call it myths. Making a myth, revealing it by another and interconnecting bits of different myths together is the continuum that led our world to this so called modern era.

Religion is old school.
Fate is old school.
Promise is old school.
Privacy of one's body is old school.
Virginity is old school.
Even self respect is old school.
They not only travel the world but they also travel the space and time.
They have disobeyed the natural law enough to call their communities human made.
But who knows what nature actually states; humans discovered this myth and they themselves altered it.
Human hood is another successfully accomplished equality organization convincing us how much humanity and sympathy we have for our own kind, and even others.
The truth behind this can be explored by meeting someone new and who, within a fraction of milliseconds, throws a judgmental laser beans from his eyes on your non plastic surgery performed imperfect face and tag you old school in his mind.

I tend to live at my own potentials, follow the rules that I made myself and believe whatever I choose to believe. I don't let the modern era mythologies interrupt mine.

Who would have ever thought that my whole life mythical strategies would blow down by a time storm that was brought to me by fate, seriously?
Whether it's a parallel universe or a star in another galaxy; time goes on and things happen.
So, call me orthodox but I will term the happenings as fate.

Before the discovery of Earth being spherical, people used to travel less because they were afraid of falling down. But they also couldn’t accept the concept easily because they had already spent years of believing earth being flat.

You see sun rising everyday and calling it sun which actually is a star or calling star as star which is actually a sun. But neither of the terms are wrong, it’s just your own perceptive variation.
The lens through which you see the world makes you – you in billions of populations across the globe.

It’s healthy for an individual to keep his views and perspectives in a constant renovation.

Every new discovery unmasks the limitations and mistakes in the previous one.

Wronged hurts indeed, but we have learned the phenomenon of accepting. So, we see wronged as a growth factor for our mental health and the seed for seeking more. But this phenomenon is not applied something you grow up with.
Like by the age of twenty four someone tells you that you're not an earthling but an adopted alien from some other galaxy!
*Please do imagine that situation for once*

A/N: Feel free to comment, ask anything and voting won't hurt. 😁💟

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