Chapter 2-Not A Blast

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As I opened my eyes, I saw the white painted roof of the hospital room I was kept at. Beeps of medical monitors on my bedside table sounded musical.
My brain was still not working properly. I looked at the wall clock wall paper on the digital screen on the front wall. It was 2:30p.m. and the seconds hand moving tick tick. No matter how much the world becomes digital, people still prefer old is gold.

A nurse entered the room checking if I have wakened up which I had.
"Oh! Dr.Tarika how are you feeling now?" she asked in a typical nursee humble way. I ignored the feeling part and said, "drop the Dr." She was starring at me shockingly when I added "please".
She smiled and said it's good to know you're fine even though I didn't mention I was fine.

Without further conversation she quickly took a glance on the medical monitors and left the room with passing me a smile.

My head was still stuck in the ancient city. Couldn't distract myself. Again the door opened and a middle aged man entered the room, gray beard and hair, plain glasses , blue suit and a reporter card hanging in his neck.

"Good morning Dr.Tarika" he smiled at me looking like an imbecile.

I was the one who got shock waves from the blast why is everybody else acting stupid?! I was disgusted.

I said sarcastically awkward, " Good afternoon sir!" .

The man chuckled, "I am glad you're completely oriented with time and space. I hope I will get better answers than your colleagues".

My colleagues seriously?! I gave the nurse a questioning look and she nodded, " yes your colleagues woke up earlier than you. We were afraid that you might have got some serious injury but luckily you're better at your nerves than them."

The reporter started reciting his most crammed line in plain and low voice, " My name is Mr. Jeon. I am a reporter of world aware news Channel. I am here to ask you some questions and I hope I will get the best of your response".
He turned his recorder on and asked me what happened. I told him everything I remembered with coldness as my utmost priority.

After listening, he sighed in disappointment, " well thanks for your collaboration but unfortunately it's the same answer I got from your colleagues".

Before he could leave I asked him, " by any chance sir do you know what was that blast?"

He fixed his glasses and answered, "it was not a blast... It was an energy wave from a yet to know source. The green chemists are going crazy. We still don't know whether we lost another huge amount of energy from earth or is it something else."

A moment of awkward silence and then he cleared his throat and continued, "Anyhow, scientists have managed to absorb as much energy as they can from all the vibrating matter around."
Just as he completed I dropped another question, "And what was that ancient city/town or whatever?" It felt more like I was taking his interview.

My curiosity didn't surprise him much, "well, it is also a mystery yet. There is no history about such place. And according to scientists it's from the babylonian era for whom such a civilized place in this area is worth big mention."

The man left considering me useless for his work while leaving questions knocking at my mind door
"What the source could be?"
"What is this ancient city?"
"What got into Sam and Gabriel to take me away in the woods?"
"How in the world historians missed a great civilization like this and there's nothing about them in the history?"
Things were more than just random.

The students who survived were shifted to another university, not my type, but I didn't bother to change it.
I couldn't study which was the only thing I had always done. A mixture of bewilderment and anxiety with a topping of sorrow made my emotional desert a mess_these tangled unsolved questions were not letting me move on.

I woke up in the morning_though I'm not sure whether I slept a wink or spent the whole night waiting for morning to arive.
I went to the washroom to fresh myself up and start a day. I washed my face and looked at my wet face into the mirror on the wall above the basin. My eyes had sunk deep into its sockets and dark circles shadowed around them, made me look ill.
I rubbed my palms over my wet cheeks from eyes down to lips and realized my wrist was empty.

I always wore a bracelet gifted by my mother. That bracelet was too precious for me. It gave me a feeling of my mother's presence with me which I couldn't afford to lose at any chance.

So, I went back to find it out. Although, deep inside I knew if I had left it in the university I wouldn't even find its symbol, still I was hoping like an old school to have it back. It was a try that my bracelet deserved to have. I couldn't find it in the forest and entering the sealed, under investigation ancient city would be immoral. But I did try.
I requested the manager who let me enter because it was my own university. He provided me with an ultra protective suit which wouldn't let damaging waves mutate my genes.

Walking through the city felt familiar. It was too much for people in 2000 BC be this modern.

I was walking towards the palace, lost in its beauty, when I heard far away echoing screams. At first I couldn't recognize what they were saying. It was something like "Sanjid-e-Lordem". Felt like a dejavu.

Suddenly, my eyes caught my bracelet in the dust. I shouted "there it is!" in happiness and quickly grabbed it.
Just as I touched my bracelet I got an electric shock that threw me five feet away and I got unconscious the other moment.

I was feeling like it all might have been a dream. How on earth I became this stupid to look for something I know probably wouldn't find?
Voices and faces of the crews working at the place started to blur in and slowly cleared.
"Dr.Tarika!! Dr.Tarika!! Are you okay?!" I couldn't recognize who's voices were they, at first.
I hardly looked up at the manager and said, "I guess it wasn't a dream. Was it?" And gave him a cracked smile.
He sighed in assurance, "She is fine. I thought I'd lose my job today."
Everyone started to head back, handed me my bracelet.
"Sanjid-e-Lordem! Sanjid-e-Lordem!" Again screaming ancient freaks stressing me out. This time the screams were clear enough to be distinguished.
I cannot communicate with someone who's dead, can I ?
I looked around and it was just me who could hear people screaming from 2000 BC!

What's going on??!!

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