ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : CHAPTER TWO

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My morning before school starts off like any other morning.

Me running after the bus that refuses to stop.

I can't say it's the worst thing in the world. I don't live too far from school, but I do have blisters on my feet. My figure is also very nice and I can excuse eating unhealthy amounts of snacks and my mom's cookies due to running off any pounds I gain. They don't know they're doing me a favor. At least that's what I tell myself to make me feel better.

As I enter the student parking lot however I feel like I am about to fall over. I didn't have much of dinner last night because of my sour mood. I felt bad for giving my parents a half-intentional cold shoulder, but I couldn't really explain to them why I couldn't apply. They didn't know about the bullying, and I didn't want them to.

"Wow girl...are you sure you don't want me to pick you up in the morning?"

I turn and look at Lynn, my best friend. I shake my head, "I know, I look terrible."

She laughs, "No you still look very cute, but you look like someone ran you over."

"I wish," I mutter. Lynn gives a small laugh and puts her arm around me, "You have got to do something about these awful people." I shake my head again and move her arm off my shoulder.

I love that Lynn cares, and many times she has tried to intervene when people are being awful, but it's the last thing I want. Lynn went to an all-girls school before she transferred here. Her parents only let her transfer because they realized that having a lesbian in an all-girls school was truly contradicting, but they said that if Lynn were to get into any trouble, they'd send her back. I also didn't want Lynn to face any of the same types of bullying, mainly because they'd target her identity, but also I did not want my only friend to leave me, especially when she seemed so happy here. Even though I was an outcast, she found a place among other kids at the school, so I knew when to step away from her to keep my friend happy.

"Aw don't look at me like that Naomi! Embrace your awesomeness!" she shouts, "Don't let those idiots bring you down, you're going to be a superstar one day."

"Lynn...I have to get into dance school before I embrace any awesomeness," I sigh.

"Shut up. You're going to get in, don't even pretend to think otherwise." I smile at her words and start walking. The smile goes away when I hear a hauntingly familiar voice in the car passing beside us.

"Yeah, I'm telling you. Seriously, it's better for your skin, it's called the one-sip diet," Abby, the assumed leader of the fearsome threesome says to the other two. I turn and stare in plain surprise at the idiocy of what she just said, but so does Abby, who doesn't think twice before throwing her drink at me. The girls laugh while Abby stares in fake shock.

"I am so sorry Naomi! I didn't even see you standing there, it's like...you're totally invisible!" Abby drawls with a fake pout.

Lynn pushes herself in front of me and yells "CHECK OUT MY TOTALLY INVISIBLE FINGER!" I grab her before she tries to jump Abby, but the fearsome threesome simply speed off.

I turn to Lynn in an effort to calm her down, "Well good thing I'm prepared. I have spare shirts in my locker." She gives me a look of pure pity and strings me along to the entrance of the school.

As we enter I get met with looks of disgust and mockery. Several football players start laughing at me, and Lynn flips off every one of them. I don't pay any attention to it. I have better things to worry about.

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