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"The start of spring" Kai said leaning on Beomgyu's shoulder. They both were sitting in a park. Beomgyu said "Kai we should plan to go somewhere in spring" Kai got excited and lifted his head from beomgyu's shoulder and asked "Really!!? We can go somewhere like on a vacation only we two besties vacation" Yeah! Like if our parents allow we can go"beomgyu replied. "Beom it's a great plan" Kai said. But where could we go?? Beomgyu questioned. Kai said can we go to busan?? Beomgyu said but busan is famous for it's seafood and you know I don't like seafood. Kai said yeah sorry Beom I forgot. Beomgyu asked Kai "Kai what about Jeju!??" Kai got excited and said it's perfect. We must go home now it's getting late but beom it's still 6pm. Hyuka it must be dark soon you should get home beomgyu said Okay Beom. Hyuka waved beomgyu a good bye and left the park leaving beomgyu alone. Beomgyu took his phone out of his pocket and texted his eomma that he'll be home soon.

Huening kai POV
I reached home at 6:30. My eomma was working in her room and my dad was not home yet. I went to my room throwing myself on the bed. I began to think how should I ask eomma and appa about jeju. Soon at the dining table the family was eating quietly. I broke the silence and asked "May I go to jeju Island with beomgyu for vacation??" My eomma smiled and asked "For how many days" 20 days I replied. Appa said Okay you can go but don't leave beomgyu and take care of yourself. I smiled and went to hug my parents. Your the best parents I said. They both smiled and I went to my room jumping happily.

Beom My eomma appa allowed me with you to jeju!! Yay!!
                     Well hyuka I didn't ask my
Why Beom just ask I'm
Sure they will allow.
                                                  Hope so!
Okay then let's meet
Tommorrow at 12 pm
for lunch??

                                     Okay then syl gn
Bye gn💤

Beomgyu POV
I feel tired he thought. I lied on the bed and slept. I woke up in the morning saw the time it was still 5:30 am. I was scrolling through social media and saw a picture of a cute cat. It was so cute. I got up from the bed and while brushing my teeth I remembered that I had to ask eomma and appa about jeju before they leave for work. I had a bath and at the table Appa asked me "beom do you want to ask something" I nodded eomma asked what is it??
"Can I go to jeju Island for 20 days" eomma and appa looked at me with shock. I said what? Eomma said "with your girlfriend??" I replied noo eomma with huening kai. "Besties vacation" appa had a sign of relief and said
Okay you can go but stay together and don't fight. I jumped in excitement my eomma appa were so happy seeing me.
Hii hyuka you ready?
                                                 Yes Beom
Should I come to pick you??
                                         No need beom
Okay so meet me outside
7/11 CVS
                          Okay beom I'll be there
Bye I'll be waiting
                                                Okay bye.

Third person POV
Beomgyu was waiting outside the store
Kai came running. "sorry the bus was late." no problem beomgyu said. Let's go eat. Yes of course!! Kai said. They went and got some ramen and ice cream. They went to the amusement park after lunch. It's fun with beom kai thought. Then they both went to the park and began talking about shopping and flight. So huening kai said "I'll ask Lea noona to book the flight tickets. Beomgyu nodded. Just the kai said beom i need to go eomma had told to come home early. Beomgyu nodded and gave kai a goodbye hug.

Huening kai POV

I was waiting for the bus and I saw a lady crying in the corner of the road. I went close to her and asked her "excuse me miss are you lost" she nodded aggressively. I told her that my house is nearby you can come and then call your family. She said okay
I asked her name. She said my name is Shin Yuna.

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