Chapter 1: Probing Dreams

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Hi Guys!


Who likes The Vampire Diaries?




Well, here’s my first ever Fan Fiction story and I hope you’ll like it.


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Jeremy Gilbert on the side -->


And check out Sebastian Castro’s Bubble- talk about HOT! -->


Walking into the silent house by his lonesome, Jeremy Gilbert felt a little bit uneasy about the day he just had. Elena didn't come to school and he hadn't seen Stefan in a few days either. He also didn't even see Bonnie and Caroline in school that day so maybe they were having a girls' day off?

Who knows, he just wanted to make sure his sister wasn't in any type of danger.

He jumped on the couch and turned the television to the news, turned out there had been a string of “animal” attacks in the past few days and he knew at that very moment it was Stefan Salvatore. The guy's been missing for a few days; it just seemed to make the most sense to him. The camera even flashed a picture of one of the victims; he had the classic vampire bite mark on his neck and that made everything official in Jeremy's mind.

“I wonder if Damon knows about this.” Jeremy said out loud.

“Of course I know about it.” Damon Salvatore, Stefan’s brother, replied while coming down the stairs.

Jeremy nearly jumped out of his skin and fell on the floor! He gave himself a moment to catch his breath while clutching his heart with his right hand through the material of his clothing. “When did you get here?” he asked.

Damon shrugged “I've been here for a while, Elena let me in before she left with her little gal pals this morning.”

“Oh, so like you've just been here all day?”

“Yep, was waiting for you Jer bear.”

“What do you want me for?” Jeremy asked with a perplexed look on his face.

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