chapter 1. unknown world

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that as the author does not understand English very well and for the most part uses a translator, there may be errors in some places, please, if you find any, write the correct version in the comments.

Also in the Russian version of the film, almost all the names are different from the original and I apologize in advance if somewhere they will differ me

Enjoy reading

where the hell am I...
A girl, apparently about 12 years old, rises from the ground, shaking herself off the fallen needles of fir and pine trees that grew around the clearing on which the teenager ended up.

The girl looked around.

— what happened?

The teenager tried to remember at least something before she was in the forest.

Okay, I remember my name, it’s good already.


- and age

Yes, my name is Veronika and I am 12 years old, my birthday is July 13th.

-" very important information that will help me understand how I ended up here and how I can get out of here", cool.  Remember how I got here.

The girl looked around and noticing a small, black backpack on the grass nearby, she picked it up.

- so what do we have here

The girl opened her backpack

- clothes, flashlight, lighter, matches.  Well, the light will not be a problem.

- Oh, phone, charger and headphones, maybe I can call someone.

The girl took the phone, but her plan was shattered when she realized that there was no network.

Veronika cursed quietly and continued to rummage through her backpack.

- a bottle of water and some food, that's good

The girl put her backpack on her back and went in an unknown direction trying to remember at least something.

The sun slowly disappeared behind the tops of huge trees, giving way to the moon.

During these few hours, Veronika could not remember anything that could somehow explain her getting here.

The only thing she remembers is
quarrel with parents.  Escape from the house and the forest, but it was clearly not the forest in which the girl was before

The teenager continued to walk in a direction unknown to her until a stone wall appeared in front of her.

-mountain?  What am I supposed to climb on it?  Although there are many ledges and it will not be difficult to climb it ...

- No, I'd better go around.  And then it's already dark, you never know what will happen.

The girl turned to the right, intending to go along the mountain and raised her head to the starry sky.

The moon was already in the sky.

But it was not the beautiful, blue Moon, not the many stars that attracted Veronika's attention, it was not the strong light that could be seen on the top of the mountain that attracted her.

-Light?  So there might be people

And without much thought, the girl climbed up.

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