Part 5. Veronika finds paints, helps to fuel the firemen and goes for a walk

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The morning turned out to be cool, but this did not stop Blade after he woke everyone up to fly on patrol.

He was still sleepy and had the feeling that he forgot something.

Then Blade felt that something was leaning against the door behind which there was a winch.

- Damn, I forgot to let the kid out - the ranger thought.

But judging by the fact that the girl behaved calmly and just looked out the window, Blade realized that everything was fine with her and decided to end the patrol.

Initially, Veronika tried to ask questions to the ranger, but he did not hear her because of the noise of her own blades, after a while the girl nevertheless realized that there was no sense in asking questions and just started looking out the window admiring the views.

Blade returned to base about half an hour later.

Maru immediately jumped up to him.

-Blade, have you seen Veronika?  Maru seemed very worried.

The helicopter silently opened the door and a girl came out.

- next time do not sit silently like a fish, warn

- but I liked it, minus of course that you didn’t hear me, but still it was cool

— okay, Blade, are you going to have breakfast?

-Yes, I will

- then let's go.

Blade and Maru silently drove towards the main hangar, and Veronika ran to the apple trees.

After she collected some fruit, she also went to the main hangar.

Sitting on one of the boxes, she began to thoughtfully eat an apple without hearing that Maru had already called her twice.

Veronika, can you hear me?  - Maru drove up to the girl

-m?!  - The teenager flinched in surprise - what?

-  I'm calling you for the third time

Oh sorry, I was thinking.

-what are you thinking about?

It’s just that I don’t think I can last on apples until I get home, and besides, I don’t even know when I’ll be back and if I’ll be back at all.

If you come back, at least we will try our best to bring you back home.

Until then, Blade, who had silently stood in the corner and drinking something from his can, raised his eyes to the girl.

- Veronika just silently continued to eat the apple.

After breakfast, the guys went about their business.

The teenager was inspecting the contents of the shelves in Maru's workshop while the mechanic himself was away somewhere.

Here the girl found some interesting things, namely: a set of acrylic paints, brushes, pencils and even a canvas.

Although all these items were a little big for Veronika's world, it was still not so critical.

Then Maru returned to the workshop.

Oh, you found my old paints. - Maru just smiled slightly.

- can you draw?

- not really, I wanted to learn, and then abandoned it.  You can take them if you want, I don't mind.

-Truth?  Thank you - the girl took the canvas, paints and the rest, and carried them closer to the sleeping place.

I'll probably draw something tonight

Then a siren rang out on the street and Maru left the hangar to refuel the guys.

The girl followed him.

While Maru fiddled with the Windlifter Cabby had already taken off. Blade and Dipper waited for them to be loaded so they could follow the military.

But judging by the curses from Maru, something happened.

  The girl looked at the hose next to her and looked at Maru, and then at Dipper and Blade, quickly grabbed it and ran to the ranger.

The girl did not know who in this situation should be refueled first, she acted according to logic:
First the commander, then the others.

Maru finished with Windlifter and drove to the right place, turned on the water pressure.

Blade just silently looked in the direction of the flying forester.

Here the ranger's tank was filled and the girl unhooked the hose and ran up to Dipper.

A few seconds later, she, too, took to the air.

- thanks for the help - Maru drove up to Veronika

- please, the girl thought - listen, can I go to the forest?  Looking for food or something

-in the forest? -Maru looked at the teenager in bewilderment - what if you get lost?

The girl just rolled her eyes.

- let me go with you - offered Maru

-with me?

- yeah

— well, why not.

- let's go then?

  - now, just take a backpack

- Fine

The girl ran into the workshop where her backpack was and pulled out unnecessary things like a lighter, matches and clothes, at the very bottom she found a bandage, a band-aid and iodine in a felt-tip pen.

Wow, how did I not notice this before.

The girl pulled out a bottle, there was still some water that she poured yesterday using a hose.

- I hope that's enough - Veronika returned the bottle to its place and taking with her only a flashlight, just in case a bandage, plasters and iodine, she threw a backpack over her shoulders and left the hangar.

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